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Empoderadas DIY es un canal de contenidos que inspira, enseña y ayuda a cualquier persona con espíritu creativo a mejorar su entorno. Queremos que todo el mundo pueda personalizar su casa con ideas creativas con las que no hace falta gastarse mucho dinero para tener un hogar en el cual vivir feliz.
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Channel description Welcome to Sieg Kun Music! In this channel you will find good songs Submit your own track for promotion here email: Frequent questions: "Can I use this in my video?" Unfortunately, I don't have any of the rights to the music I'm presenting, so you should ask the artist. "Is this free of copyright?" Again, it is not up to me. I personally get permission to upload the songs, but it doesn't apply universally when someone else wants to use the song. "Do you make the music?" No, I only present music that I like. "What musical genres do you upload?" Rap, Dance, Electronic, Pop, Rock, Alternative, Independent, Hip-hop, country, etc ... These are some of the genres. For commercial consultations email [email protected] © Sieg Kun MusicChannel description Welcome to Sieg Kun Music! In this channel you will find good songs Submit your own track for promotion here email: Frequent questions: "Can I use this in my video?" Unfortunately, I don't have any of the rights to the music I'm presenting, so you should ask the artist. "Is this free of copyright?" Again, it is not up to me. I personally get permission to upload the songs, but it doesn't apply universally when someone else wants to use the song. "Do you make the music?" No, I only present music that I like. "What musical genres do you upload?" Rap, Dance, Electronic, Pop, Rock, Alternative, Independent, Hip-hop, country, etc ... These are some of the genres. For commercial consultations email © Sieg Kun Music
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No tengo una descripción ni imaginación para una. Okno. Hola yo soy Gina! :) Soy mitad Argentina y mitad Paraguaya... (Nací en Argentina, pero vivo en Paraguay hace más de 10 años) Tengo 19 años y YouTube es mi hobby. ¡Estoy para divertirte, informarte, entretenerte y más! Suscríbete para saber más sobre mi contenido... ¡Gracias por tu apoyo, lo aprecio un montón! *Meta: 100.000 suscriptores* CONTACTO: