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Non mi piacciono le Hot Rod, detesto le Low Rider, aborro le Rat Rod e le Gasser, ma c’è uno stile che adoro e che io chiamo Road Relic : sono le auto abbandonate per anni ad arrugginire e che vengono riportate in condizioni di viaggiare in sicurezza senza cancellare i segni che solo l’inesorabile trascorrere del tempo può lasciare su di esse. I don’t like Hot Rods, I hate the Low Rider, I abhor the Rat Rods and the Gasser, but there is a style that I love and that I call Road Relic: these are the cars that have been rusting for years and are brought back on the road safely without erasing the signs that only the inexorable elapsing of time can leave on them.
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Contact: This is not a channel for those seeking technique in music, those seeking perfection. This is a channel that has nothing to do with perfection, in the strictest sense. This is a channel for those looking for excitement, for those trying to fantasize about something that never happened. A channel dedicated to Michael Jackson, with imaginary works on his music, any kind of work. I am not a producer, for producers I suggest you go to other channels, but if you love to fantasize and get excited, I can assure you that you will probably find bread for your teeth here.
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Hello, everybody. This channel is dedicated to my greatest passion -- languages. My name is Luca and I'm from Italy. I've been studying languages for about 20 years and a few years ago I reached a very important conclusion: languages cannot be taught; they can only be learned. Once you realize that it totally changes your approach and you understand why the famous "language classes" have such a low success rate. So I decided to share not only my passion for languages but also techniques for studying them, with optimism, passion, effective methods and experience. Learning a new language takes time but it's not difficult. My mission is to help people understand that. If anyone tells you you that just knowing English is enough tell him "he who learns another language acquires another soul". Luca Lampariello [language coach]
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What is the best way to learn English? There are several methods, but is there one that dominates over all? To answer this question you have to see how the brain of the newborn baby works and why it seems that it learns so easily. Then you have to ask yourself another question: is it possible to artificially reproduce the way an infant learns a language? What form would such a course take? With this channel I want to introduce you to some methods that in thirty years of teaching have worked for me, also looking at how close they are to the learning patterns of a newborn child. I introduce them to you and at the same time I teach you English. I also want to dispel some myths about language learning. to translate
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Un canale basato sulle esperienze di un chitarrista della porta accanto. Il nome del canale "Chitarre in Corso" vuole richiamare il corso infinito di studio, test ed esperimenti, a volte riusciti, a volte falliti che ciascun chitarrista può fare, mostrati con semplicità, naturalezza, senza artifici o inganni, montaggi pirotecnici e paroloni da corso universitario. Sono Rodolfo Capoderosa, un chitarrista calabrese, classe 1983, curioso e con tanta voglia di condividere le mie conoscenze, raccontare le mie esperienze e imparare tutto ciò che posso dalla mia community. Questa è la filosofia di "Chitarre in Corso". Benvenuto!