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Zhaoze 沼泽乐队 | Electric Guqin, unprecedentedly; Splash-ink Rock, the one and only. 前无古人电古琴 独步天下泼墨摇 Since 2006, started to electrify Guqin, the most traditional Chinese instrument, and combined its aesthetics with Post-rock, Progressive, Experimental, Classical ... as if it splashed the inks of the moods and feelings of Chinese landscape painting into its blood, Zhaoze has built up an absolutely unique instrumental sound spectrum. Hoy Liang: Guqin, Xiao, Guitar, Keyboard, Vocals Little Dream: Guitar, Mini Keyboard Roy: Bass, Harmonica Sea Sean: Drums, Mallet Keyboard 海亮:古琴 箫 吉他 键盘 人声 细辉:吉他 小键盘 阿来:贝司 口琴 海逊:鼓 槌击键盘
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Amazing China Nowadays , I am more uploading about donghuas* preview, trailers etc. Or about Chinese stories at general (*) = 動畫( dònghuà ) DONGHUA : Is the Chinese Animation , do NOT confuse it with Anime (Japanese animation) My third account to (raw) vids of Asian artist: More Chinese Interviews , messages, shows preview / cuts , fancams, fanmades, CFs, or just MVs teasers, trailers. Asian artist you can find here: JJ Lin ,Super Junior -M and so on.
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Want to get better at AcroYoga? Daniel Scott can help. Daniel Scott is yogi provocateur with a fresh alternative to the traditional "yoga voice". His classes are a lively mix of balance cut with improv, strength and flexibility-- Daniel focuses on moving into postures, not through them. An E-RYT 500 globally renowned ashtanga-vinyasa teacher and Certified Level 2 AcroYoga instructor living in San Francisco Bay Area, Daniel enjoys barefoot running, street art, good coffee, large quantities, and great qualities. As a Wellness Expert for MindBodyGreen and inspirational columnist for the Huffington Post, he is deeply dedicated to sharing in the immense journey as he answers the ever-present question: Are you moving or being moved?
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Plongez dans une histoire d'amour incroyable et inspirante "Made in China" orchestrée par la force quantique et le Divin. Olivier & Maritzabel, originaires de deux continents différents se sont connectés sur un continent neutre pour eux: l'Asie Ils partagent avec vous cette histoire incroyable aux rebondissements inédits qui les unis depuis plus de 12 ans et qui inspirent de nombreuses personnes cherchant une relation épanouie et équilibrée. Maritzabel est originaire de l'Amazonie Colombienne, Master Coach PNL, auteure, conférencière et créatrice de la méthode de développement personnel dédié aux femmes "Diosa irresistible" (Déesse irrésistible). A ses côtés, Olivier, entrepreneur, découvre la Loi d'Attraction et l'Univers des possibilités infinies. Il développe alors une sensibilité spirituelle des possibilités infinies qui le conduit auprès de Mentors internationaux spécialistes dans le développement personnel en conscience, les neurosciences et l'épigénétique.
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Welcome to Art of the Catwalk Florida's Premier Ladies Fitness Studio Are you tired of talking about how hot you used to look? Wish you could find something that really works and that will reshape your body in just 6 weeks? Catwalk's Signature Classes combine cardio with light resistance moves to burn fat and sculpt your abs, thighs, and buns fast. Unlike most exercise programs, at The Catwalk you will not feel like you're slaving on a Stair Master. Our classes are fun and exciting, and offer all the "Hottest celebrity workouts" Get a hot new Rockin' Body with our high-octane dance party that will have you sweating off the pounds to all your favorite dance songs.