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Channel description Welcome to Sieg Kun Music! In this channel you will find good songs Submit your own track for promotion here email: Frequent questions: "Can I use this in my video?" Unfortunately, I don't have any of the rights to the music I'm presenting, so you should ask the artist. "Is this free of copyright?" Again, it is not up to me. I personally get permission to upload the songs, but it doesn't apply universally when someone else wants to use the song. "Do you make the music?" No, I only present music that I like. "What musical genres do you upload?" Rap, Dance, Electronic, Pop, Rock, Alternative, Independent, Hip-hop, country, etc ... These are some of the genres. For commercial consultations email [email protected] © Sieg Kun MusicChannel description Welcome to Sieg Kun Music! In this channel you will find good songs Submit your own track for promotion here email: Frequent questions: "Can I use this in my video?" Unfortunately, I don't have any of the rights to the music I'm presenting, so you should ask the artist. "Is this free of copyright?" Again, it is not up to me. I personally get permission to upload the songs, but it doesn't apply universally when someone else wants to use the song. "Do you make the music?" No, I only present music that I like. "What musical genres do you upload?" Rap, Dance, Electronic, Pop, Rock, Alternative, Independent, Hip-hop, country, etc ... These are some of the genres. For commercial consultations email © Sieg Kun Music
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Канал моделиста конструктора. Делаю полнофункциональные масштабные модели ручной работы. Показываю процессы, технологии изготовления отдельных деталей. То - как и чем живет и развивается мастерская. Огромная благодарность тем кто донатит на процветание мастерской и создание главного нашего проекта. Вместе мы сможем все!