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Email: Silicone and polyurethane forms for artificial stone casting, stamp forms for artificial stone, texture rollers and rocks. We offer silicone forms, facings, concrete molds and stamp forms.The official and biggest producer of KoolForm stamp®. KoolForm stamp pattern for quarry stones, silicone forms for concrete, forms for plaster casting, silicone forms for pavement, concrete pavement, concrete blocks. See our website to find all about patterns and forms. Silicone and polyurethane forms are designed for your own production of artificial stone made of plaster or concrete as well as for wall stamping into mixtures such as flexible glues, one-layer pargeting and plaster floating. Get to know about how to cast plaster and thus make a perfect artificial stone wall texture for a very low price. If you want to have a cheap stone wall, you can do it yourself.
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Video content creator, ktorý má rád humor :) Martin je kameraman, dokumentarista, fotograf a youtuber. V svojom odbore je samouk, no vypracoval sa vďaka kamarátom a za pomoci Youtube. Ako kameraman začínal v slovenskom spravodajskom médiu, kde sa aj zoznámil so známym slovenským youtuberom Petrom Popluhárom a.k.a Pppítrom. Ľahko našli spoločnú reč, ktorá prešla do vzájomnej spolupráce a Peter mu ukázal čaro Youtube. Martin je v spoločných projektoch rukami a Peter hlavou. Aj vďaka tomu vzájomne spolupracujú už niekoľko rokov. Od vtipných videí sa prepracovali až k cestovateľským dokumentom o bizarnostiach celého sveta, na ktoré ja Martin najviac hrdý - sám sa opisuje ako Adventure Hunter. Martin je taktiež súčasťou najvačších televíznych produkcii v Česku a Slovensku ako LoveIsland či Farma (slovenské reality-show), spolupracoval však i na Miss Slovensko 2019 či mnohých ďalších projektoch.
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Prorokk winner of second place for the Czech Television Award 2019 announced by Soundtrack Podebrady and a semi-finalist of a Film Music Contest 2020 is Slovak one of the artists and composers of soundtrack music that is not artificial in any way. He is not alien to any of the popular music styles, so he ranks among the multi-genre "all kind of music" composers. In 2017 Prorokk was recording his first HIP HOP solo album. When he was in the penultimate stage of recording he suddenly stopped. The point is that at that time he studied in detail the production of film music and in the near future began to link the orchestra and synthetic elements up. With rich experience in programming synthetic instruments in conjunction with live instruments, PROROKK is one of the unique artists in Slovakia. If you like my music please visit my spotify channel Thank you for watching my videos and listening to my music