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Transforming generations, one person at a time. Channel ini saya buat untuk membahas berbagai topik seperti "Life at Google" tentang pengalaman di Google termasuk tips untuk bekerja di sana, "Product Management" bagaimana membuat produk yang disukai oleh user, "Entrepreneurship" memulai usaha dan startup sendiri, "Engineering" membahas teknologi dari networking, cloud, IoT, Big Data, automation, software dan lain-lain, dan "Indonesian living abroad" tentang berbagai kisah dan tips bekerja di luar negri. Semuanya berasal dari cerita pengalaman saya pribadi dengan tujuan menginspirasi generasi muda Indonesia untuk bisa bekerja di perusahaan dunia seperti Google, mendirikan tech startup, membuat produk sendiri, mempelajari perkembangan teknologi terbaru, atau juga untuk mau mengambil langkah besar bekerja ke luar negri. Nama saya Himawan Nugroho. Saya founder dari tech startup di Indonesia. Saya juga bekerja di Google sebagai Program/Product Manager. Saat ini tinggal di Zurich, Swiss.
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En El Productivista hablamos sobre productividad, tecnología y negocios digitales. ✅ Organiza mejor tu tiempo aprendiendo sobre las últimas herramientas y metodologías de productividad. ✅ Infórmate sobre las nuevas tecnologías y su impacto en nuestro trabajo. ✅ Aprende cómo crear un negocio y emprender desde cero con herramientas digitales en esta nueva economía. Cada semana reviso decenas de nuevas aplicaciones y tecnología relacionada con hacer mejor nuestro trabajo. Toda la información que voy recopilando la voy compilando en mi newsletter Cortos de Productividad. Regístrate aquí a los Cortos de Productividad 📩 Y para noticias y novedades en formato de videos cortos, puedes visitar nuestro canal exclusivo de SHORTS de productividad ▶️
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Femmes Business Investissement est une plate-forme de partage entre les femmes de tout horizon qui s’intéressent aux affaires, business et investissements. Nous organisons la vente en ligne sur la niche de la beauté féminine. Nous ventons des vêtements (de la taille 38 à 50), chaussures de la taille 36 à 46) et des sacs de marques et sans marques. Tous nos articles sont d'origine de la Turquie) #développement personnel #femmes d’affaires #business #parlons de business #Investissements #femmes d’influence #femmes leaders #femmes fortes #Femmes Entrepreneuses #l'intelligence financière #gestion des finances personnelles #intelligence financière #gestion de budget #rapport à l'argent #s'épanouir financièrement #femmes business #femmes investissements #L’intelligence financière #gestion des finances personnelles #intelligence financière #gestion de budget #rapport à l'argent #s'épanouir financièrement #femmes business #femmes business et investissements
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HTMi, Hotel and Tourism Management Institute prepares students for a management career in the global hospitality industry. The Institute has 5 Centres for Excellence: • The School of International Hotel and Tourism Management • The International Centre for Events Management Training • The Centre for Culinary Management • The International Hospitality Research Centre • The Centre for Career Management. Our mission: "Come as a Student, Become a Manager"
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Je suis Faustin PRIEUX, trader depuis 2013 & fondateur d'UGK Trading (service de trading existant depuis 2015). J'ai été Gestionnaire de Fortune en France (CIF Orias AMF) & en Suisse, Sales Trader & Analyste Marchés chez Admiral Markets, Broker International ! Le contenu de cette chaîne ainsi que les produits proposés ne sont qu'éducatifs et informatifs. Il ne doit pas être considéré comme un conseil en investissement financier. FPX Swiss Capital Sàrl : Rue de Lausanne 37, 1201 Genève, Suisse.
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Mi nombre es Piero Badano, tengo 25 años, soy diplomado en Diseño Web y hace 8 años comencé con el emprendimiento en linea. Siempre tuve en claro no ir detràs del dinero, sino detràs de un sueño : SER LIBRE. Por ello es que comencè a ser mi propio jefe trabajando de manera particular creando sitios web, donde dedicaba horas y horas hasta lograr buenos resultados. También me dediqué al Marketing Multinivel, donde realizaba videos por youtube y ahi fue donde descubri el potencial de los negocios en linea.Me interesé en el Ecommerce (comercio en linea ) y con mucho sacrificio y dedicacion logré tener una excelente experiencia laboral y generar ingresos mensuales con los que puedo tener una muy buena calidad de vida. Por eso es que el objetivo de hacer este canal es ayudarlos a que conozcan de este negocio y comprueben por ustedes mismos que verdaderamente funciona y pueden lograr su libertad fiananciera y ser dueños de sus propios negocios. Los espero !!!
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I’m passionate about startups. Having founded my first company at age 14, I’ve built various tech companies, invested in ten and currently work on a productivity startup, a computer vision company and a crypto currency. To spend as much time as possible with my companies, which are spread across two continents, I gave up on having an apartment in 2016 and have since lived out of a backpack. I write and vlog about various areas of my life and how I constantly strive for improvement. I travel all the time, own only 64 things — all of which are black — and last year I spent an average of 3.7 days in the same location.
We use an advanced automated system to collect YouTube influencer profiles by regularly monitoring the YouTube database. Our system identifies the profiles of Switzerland-based YouTube influencers within the business niche by focusing on the following key metrics:
Relevance to business: Our system analyzes each influencer's username, bio, and posts to confirm that their content is related to the business niche.
Location Verification: Our system checks for the inclusion of city or country names in profiles, and where necessary, we analyze flags, localized posts and profile bio data to confirm the influencer's location in Switzerland.
Public Profiles Only: We exclude private profiles, even if they are Switzerland-based and publish business-related content. Our system only extracts the public profiles of influencers.
Sufficient Number of Posts: Our system picks the influencer accounts that have a consistent history of posts. It proves that the influencer is active and engaged in their content.
Minimum Follower Count: Our system prioritizes Switzerland-based business influencers with a minimum of 5,000 followers.
By analyzing these key statistics, our system automatically identifies the most relevant business influencers located in Switzerland, extracts the data, and adds it to our database. The information is then processed, verified, and classified to ensure accuracy and relevance.
Heepsy uses an Al-powered algorithm to identify the most relevant business YouTube influencers in Switzerland.
Identifying Influencer Location in Switzerland:
Profile Location Information: First, we check if the influencers profile explicitly mentions city or country. If the profile contains certain specific cities from Switzerland, or any other reference to Switzerland, we automatically mark the profile as Switzerland-based.
Bio and Content Analysis: If no explicit location is mentioned, our system scans the influencer's bio for any references to Switzerland, such as cultural symbols, language spoken within Switzerland, or location- specific hashtags that could indicate the influencer's connection to Switzerland.
Use of Flags and Emblems: In cases when the influencer doesn't mention a specific city or region, we look for flags in the bio that indicates Switzerland or any related symbols suggesting origin from Switzerland.
Localized Content: We analyze the influencer's content for any localized posts that show landmarks from Switzerland, events, or local cultural references. This can help us identify their location and target audience within Switzerland.
Identifying business relevance:
Identifying Key Terms: We begin by searching for specific business-related terms, such as 'business' or any other industry terms in an influencers profile (including their name, bio, and posts).
Expanding with Synonyms and Variations: Our algorithm recognizes related terms within the industry and other business specializations. We also account for variations, ensuring a comprehensive view of the influencer's expertise.
Multilingual Detection: To ensure a global reach, we use an Al-based multilingual sentence transformer to detect influencers in different languages, so we don't miss out on valuable business voices around the world.
Assigning Relevance Scores: Each influencer profile is assigned a score based on their relevance to the business category. The higher the score, the more aligned their profile with your campaign needs.
Prioritizing Top Influencers: In our recommendations we prioritize the influencers with the highest relevance scores. This helps us to ensure that the profiles suggested are the best fit for your marketing strategy.
During the location identification process, we assign a score to each YouTube influencer profile that reflects its relevance to business and Switzerland.
Then we use these scores to rank the profiles in our listings. Influencers with higher relevance scores in both categories - business and their connection to Switzerland - are ranked higher in the results.
As a result, when you search for business YouTube influencers in Switzerland in our database, the most relevant profiles appear first. This makes it easier for you to find the best match for your project.
We update our database monthly to ensure you have access to the most current and relevant business YouTube influencers in Switzerland. The profiles listed reflect the latest data as of March 2025.
Our automated system continuously monitors YouTube, tracking changes in follower count, engagement levels, and content activity from business influencers in Switzerland. This ensures that our database remains accurate and relevant and helps you find the best business YouTube influencers in Switzerland for your campaigns at any given time.