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The official YouTube channel for Rotary Swing Golf Instruction, the #1 online golf instruction website since 2005. The truth about the golf swing, backed by science. No gimmicky training ads or fad instruction. Hard facts that will improve your golf swing. We are specialists in golf swing mechanics, biomechanics and the fundamentals of the golf swing. If you're serious about improving your golf swing, RotarySwing will teach you how to effortlessly hit 300 yard drives, be 100% more consistent than you are today and protect your body from golf swing injuries. Consistency is the name of the game and the only way to have a consistent golf swing is to have the fewest moving parts. That is why RotarySwing is rooted in biomechanics with researchers from the US Olympics Committee helping us refine our movements so you can play pain free, powerful and effortless golf for a lifetime!
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Hitting It Solid is where golfers turn like you turn to play better golf with next-level golf instruction. I teach simple and effective golf instruction based on pure biomechanics, so you'll make better golf swings from the ground up and shoot lower golf scores. I've been in your shoes before and know your frustrations with the golf swing. I know what it feels like to duff a tee shot in front of your mates. Or, the humiliation of being out-driven off the tee by golfers twice your age. Whether you're a high or low handicapper, you'll find the right video showing you how to fix your swing problem and progress in your golf game. Make sure to subscribe to my channel right now. I publish 3 videos a week that focus on everything from the setup, the entire golf swing, and fixes to common golf swing problems from subscribers like you. If that sounds like something that could help your golf game, then make sure to join me by subscribing!
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Welcome to JChownGolf YouTube channel. It's my mission to provide the everyday golfer with relatable, easy to understand and simple to apply golf instruction. My philosophy on golf improvement all relies on the golfer having a complete understanding of his/her golf swing and swing faults. When a golfer achieves this level knowledge of their golf swing, then they have complete control of their own golf improvement through the use of specific simple and easy to perform drills and feels. Its my goal through this YouTube channel to provide golfers with the knowledge and drills they need to improve and enjoy their golf. If you want golf improvement to be easy and straight forward, then subscribe to my channel and let's enjoy golf to its fullest!
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Disc Golf. I'm not sure if there is a more simple way to put it but this channel is all about disc golf, disc golf tournament highlights, disc golf tournament shot by shot coverage, disc golf player interviews, disc golf product introductions and reviews as well as goofy or fun things that might be related to disc golf. If you haven't caught on by now - this is all about disc golf. I'm The Disc Golf Guy and this is my video blog. Thanks for liking, watching and subscribing. If you want me to come to your event please reach out and we'll see if we can make it happen.
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Aktuell, unabhängig, nah! -- das ist Golf Post, eines der führenden deutschen Online-Golfmagazine. Golf Post deckt alle relevanten Turnierserien ab und bietet 24/7 aktuelle Golf-Nachrichten -- aus deutscher Perspektive mit internationalem Gespür. Unabhängig bereichert Golf Post mit spannenden Golf-Themen, Blogs von Profi-Spielern, News, Fotos und Videos die Golf-Erfahrungen seiner Nutzer auf mehreren Kanälen. Neben dem täglichen Golfgeschehen finden Nutzer bei Golf Post auch Equipment- und Trainingstipps, die ihnen helfen, besser Golf zu spielen und sich mit anderen über ihre Sportart auszutauschen. Mit kritischem Blick werden alle Aspekte des Golfsports durchleuchtet, hinterfragt und unabhängig bewertet. Golf Post ist ein innovatives neues Medienformat in der deutschen Golfszene und gehört zu den reichweitenstärksten Golfportalen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Schaut vorbei auf und erlebt Golf aus einer neuen Perspektive.