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Awesome Compilations of the Best on the Internet on Random Topics !!! Check us out every week for the ABSOLUTE BEST minutes of video on everything from: -Animals, Airplanes and Awesome People to -Beaches, Bodies, Boobs, Brawls, Cars, Combat, Comedy, Conspiracies, Dance, DOY, Drugs, Entertainment, Football, Futebol, Fights, Games, Girls ... -- ... Sports, Science, Surfing, the list did, and would go on. We will try cover as much cool stuff as possible! We welcome suggestions for compilation topics and visual snipets for production! Email us with any questions, thanks for looking and please don't forget to like, share and subscribe !!! Awesome Compilations Crew
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Kanál, pro všechny FANDY fotbalu - vítejte! ;) FB stránky: ;) Vítejte na našem kanále, kde se soustředíme na fotbal. Sestřihy, informace, zajímavosti, nějaká ta sranda bude - je na co se těšit! Odebírejte nás - je to pro nás velká motivace! Kanál na youtube založení pro všechny fanoušky fotbalu! Pokud máte rádi naše videa, sledujte nás dál a lajkujte, budeme rádi ;) Nově také ke kanálu Fotbalový svět jsme založili druhý kanál a to MD TV, kam budeme dávat převážně videjka z cestování. Cestování je něco co nás baví a co nás naplňuje. Doufáme, že se Vám to bude líbit ;) Můžete se mrknout... Můžete nás také sledovat na FACEBOOKU: New channel for football fans - welcome! ;) Here you will find videos about: Goals & Skills, Sports News, Training Sessions, Memes, tweets, parodies, and much more! - Football forever! If you like my videos, Subscribe now to our channel - We will be happy! :)
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Welcome to Move With Ben! As you probably guessed, I am Ben and from an early age I loved moving my body, whether it be playing Football, Running, Cycling, Swimming or Stretching/Mobility work/Bodyweight training - anything to allow me to move my body well and with freedom. I have created this channel to encourage others to do so, the saying 'If You Don't Use It, You Lose It' really resonates with me, it's so important to keep moving to prevent aches, niggles and pains long term, easy for me to say right..! This channel is going to include a mix of training - 'move well workouts', home HIIT workouts, as well as resistance based training. I believe that the key to a sustainable training plan is a mix of lots of different forms of training. In March 2018, I am completing a Yoga course so hope to also post some Yoga videos soon to. I want my workouts to be for everyone and accessible from home, anyway, I will leave you to it! Enjoy and please do let me know what you think :-)
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currently lives in Shanghai. bodybuilder, powerlifter, educator entrepreneur, gym owner, doctor of osteopathy student. former IPF drug free Powerlifter and team china qualified Bodybuilder. Coming from a family of ex athletes; my father was a surgeon and an ex weightlifter & sprinter. I have been working out since the age of 12 and first began training with weights at the age of 15. I have played 7 years of rugby, including 2 years of varsity at UBC. I have a bachelor's degree in Health Science and Kinesiology from UBC and I am the currently IPF World Silver medalist in 83kg Junior division. 5'7", off season weight 210lbs, powerlifting total 720kg @ 183lbs If you believe in health & fitness and the pursuit of physical aestheticism then please subscribe to my channel and follow me on instagram @ randyxzhou
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Body painting, or sometimes bodypainting, is a form of body art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, painted onto the human skin, and lasts for only several hours, or at most (in the case of Mehndi or "henna tattoo") a couple of weeks. Body painting that is limited to the face is known as face painting. Body painting is also referred to as (a form of) "temporary tattoo"; large scale or full-body painting is more commonly referred to as body painting, while smaller or more detailed work can sometimes be referred to as temporary tattoos.,
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USA Football is the National Governing Body for the sport and is the only organization that can build and manage the official U.S. National Football Team. If you are interested in playing or coaching for Team USA. Please visit: If you would like to attend an open try-out, please visit