Here you can find some HD gameplay videos, rendered with ORIGINAL 3dfx videocards and some help of other '90s or '00s hardware! :-) Now with 60fps!
Used APIs are Glide, OpenGL and Direct3D.
Because I have a lot of private tasks to do, I can't update this channel every day or week. So please don't be disappointed if there is no activity for a few days or more.
I'll be back :-D
Requested Games by Subscribers: Hitman 2, Turok 2, Shadow Man, GTA1, Forsaken
Legal notice
This channel is a private project to show, how we played computergames at the time with 3dfx-cards. I DON'T earn any money with the videos, they aren't monetized. The right for every showed ingame footage belongs to their developers and publishers.
If you think there's a copyright violation, please contact me and I will remove the affected content.