The Barefootworks TV channel is all about helping to promote the natural running discovery which is sweeping the globe. Chris MacDougall's book "Born to Run" plays an important part in the motivation of such movies. We at believe the human should be running with a minimal amount of cushioning, and this requires us to undo much of what has been done over most folks lifetimes. If you think a child, when its born, has all the right stuff on board to enable it to run, walk, skip, hop and jump. Parents brake the child as soon as its walking, by giving it footwear, when they run the parent gives them cushioned shoes........this is unnecessary and once the child develops the running form with a heel strike it becomes compounded with years of doing the same thing, landing on the heel. Barefootworks TV channel is trying to help folk to make the change back to running as we were designed and have evolved into. The emphasis goes on the foots landing, toe to heel.