Hi, it is BRYATS BAND. Welcome to our channel!
Thanks for your interest in our music and for all your support! We are so excited to share with you our music and videos. Only with your help, we are able to create new music, new videos and be what we are!
Bryats Band - indie folk music band from Ukraine
We play modern folk music, classical crossover, world music with accordion, electric and acoustic balalaikas
“Bryats-band” has won international music contests in Castelfidardo (Italy), music contest in Poprad(Slovakia), different music contests in Ukraine and we were invited as guests to perform at the festivals in Finland, Germany, Monaco, Iran, Vietnam
Привет, это группа Бряц-Band.
Cпасибо всем, кто поддерживает нас ведь только благодаря Вам мы занимаемся любимым делом и остаемся собой.