Hello, this is Minoru Nakatsu.
I'm good with my hands, I'm good at dressmaking and crafts, and I like to distribute dressmaking videos.
Fun and easy-to-understand videos even for those who have never done dressmaking
I hope that the videos on this channel will be useful for fashion and clothing production.
Minoru Nakatsu
Born in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1976,
He learned to make clothes because he wanted to make stage costumes.
After graduating from Marronnier Fashion Design College
Worked at a textile company, made costumes for the stage ("Izitur" night, a self-portrait like his father, etc.)
Production and sales of handmade bags
Currently, while receiving welfare due to mental illness
Belonging to an office where people with disabilities acquire skills
Distribute dressmaking videos on YouTube
I am working to become independent.