This Channel is designed to change the way you, a first-time expectant parent, will receive and take care of your newborn baby.
Knowing how to change a diaper, swaddle, and burp your newborn (and more) BEFORE your baby is born, is the new and easy way to learn newborn care. This Channel and I will guide you step-by-step through nine (9) essential newborn care skills you can easily master to take care of your newborn baby with confidence.
As a nurse working many years in newborn care I witnessed this new-parent fear firsthand when handing newborn babies to moms and dads. Hands would fly up automatically, palms forward, to block receiving their newborn. My heart would break every time, knowing how much joy they were missing. That’s when I vowed to change how we prepare you to care for your newborn.
Use this Channel to become an extraordinary parent who is confident on Day 1, and truly enjoy your newborn baby!
Be confident, be extraordinary, receive the joy. Subscribe and learn!