R2 RADIO NETWORK is your top choice for discovering new music, Celebrity Interviews, Trends, Entertainment news and more! Music curators Roro and Risa Kumon deliver the highest quality content to ensure that you’ll always enjoy tuning in to their programs. Connect and let the hosts entertain you with great music, informative news, and entertaining discussions. R2 Radio Network has shows broadcasting through the Tokyo InterFM89.7Mhz radio station, Their Youtube channel, Podcast, and the american based streaming network, Pharcyde Tv.
世界と繋がるメディア「R2 RADIO」ネットワークでは日本内外で活躍する著名人や来日アーティスト、国際カルチャーなど様々なシーンのゲストを迎えインタビューをメインに音楽、アート、カルチャー、トレンド等を特集する