The official YouTube channel for Rotary Swing Golf Instruction, the #1 online golf instruction website since 2005. The truth about the golf swing, backed by science. No gimmicky training ads or fad instruction. Hard facts that will improve your golf swing.
We are specialists in golf swing mechanics, biomechanics and the fundamentals of the golf swing. If you're serious about improving your golf swing, RotarySwing will teach you how to effortlessly hit 300 yard drives, be 100% more consistent than you are today and protect your body from golf swing injuries.
Consistency is the name of the game and the only way to have a consistent golf swing is to have the fewest moving parts. That is why RotarySwing is rooted in biomechanics with researchers from the US Olympics Committee helping us refine our movements so you can play pain free, powerful and effortless golf for a lifetime!