I pee sitting down and know my sports. I make videos about sports, sports, and even more sports. And may be some random dirtbag things that make me chuckle.
The name is Nadine 'Nay Nay' Liverpool (yes that is my real last name), proud Canadiana, that loves her sports! I am a sports personality that was recently named MTV's No. 1 sports blogger in the country. I'm also a former national team and NCAA D1 soccer player, digital media aficionado, and Kobe Bryant's Future ex-wife.
You can check out my blog at SportsNAYtion.com and make sure to subscribe to my channel on YouTube.
*NOTE* If you would like to contact me about any business/collaborations/appearances/hosting/speaking/etc please email me at:
Instagram: @SportsNAYtion
Twitter: @SportsNAYtion
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sportsnaytion
YouTube: youtube.com/sportsnaytion