Dr.Eric Chun,PhD,PGA Certified Professional.
From 2001 to the present, World-class premiem golf lesson have been conducted on SBS Golf channel and JTBC Golf channel in South Korea.
* PhD in Sports Science
* PGA of America - Class A Member. Certified Professional. Teaching & Coaching
* Trackman Master Professional
* Golf Commentator at SBS Golf Channel,JTBC Golf Channel,MBC ESPN
* Opus EIGHTEEN,LLC President
* Opuseighteen.com
* PGA-Penn State Golf Biomechanics - Certified Professional
* Seoul National University 졸업
* World's Greatest Teachers 방송 프로그램 진행자,기획자,제작자
* 대한민국 골프 지도자 대상 수상 2011,2012
* 중앙일보 전문위원. Golf Columnist
* Golf Lesson - 512 998 5416
* Facebook - 전욱휴
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º 2011, 2012 대한민국 골프산업 대상 수상
º VISION 2011 사회공헌부문 대상 수상