Welcome to Womb-Moon Alchemy & Yoga!
I'm Zoya Lu, Solamma, womb priestess & emotional alchemist。
Womb-Moon Alchemy is your practical and magical guidance
to healthy and happy life & loving and lasting relationships
through tapping into inner healing capacity,
creating emotional sovereignty,
connecting to womb wisdom and moon cycles,
learning effective skills of authentic relating and compassionate communication,
and rekindling the joy of play and true intimacy.
It's my honor to guide women around the globe
to discover their inherent power and wisdom of the body &
to safely experience and understand all of their emotions
so they reconnect with their soul guidance and
enjoy freedom & love in their bodies and relationships.
I do it by working with women both privately and in group settings.
Get access to my free library of audio downloads, video training, and practical tips for women eager to embody more love here: