Welcome to my YouTube channel! I’ll upload various videos covering different topics such as Feng Shui, different schools of astrology, urban mysteries, and spiritual growth. I’ll explain these topics in the simplest terms possible. Channel will also invite different guests and celebrities from time to time.
Is it possible to create your own destiny? Yes! If you want to know more, please subscribe to my channel!
陳定幫師傅 Clement Chan 精通紫微斗數、八字、奇門遁甲、面相及各派風水等術數,專長分析並解決感情問題,問卦一針見血,判斷準確,盡釋心中疑難。
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ChanTingBong/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clementchantb/