In Norway the terms “grill” and “barbecue” are used interchangeably. This is incorrect and nutsmaking to barbecue aficionados. The confusion is compounded when the same piece of equipment is used at home for grilling and barbecue. The two cooking methods are radically different: Grilling is a FAST, DIRECT heat method of cooking. Food is cooked on a grill; just a few inches above live coals or gas flames, often at temperatures exceeding 550°F (300°C).
Barbecue is a SLOW, INDIRECT, low-heat method of cooking.
In fact, it’s the opposite of grilling. Barbecue uses smoldering wood to simultaneously smoke and cook the food at temperatures between 180 and 250°F (90° – 120°C). The heat source should be separated from the cooking chamber to provide indirect heat. In order to circulate a uniform amount of heat and smoke to all the food throughout the chamber