Here you'll find not the most original content or the just-released products, but certainly always my honest opinions and user-friendly tricks I've picked up throughout my many troubled years and experience as an actress and... person.
Because I am a regular human, this will be the perspective you'll get: a beauty and skincare enthusiast who can't afford/have access to everything under the sun, but does the best with what she has, and is not afraid to speak her mind, share her experiences and get her less than perfect face really close to the lens.
I'm not into branding "clean/green/toxic" fear-mongering, so science-based all the way. I may make mistakes, but I'm not afraid to admit and correct them.
I'm over 40, I live in Lisbon, Portugal, I have sensitive combination skin with the aftermath of more than a decade of severe acne... The odd breakout is frequent, and hyper pigmentation is part of my skin tone.
Beauty entertains me.