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My name is Lea and I live with my partner Maarten, our toddler Puck and newest addition baby Bo on our land in Central Portugal. We left the rat race in the Netherlands in 2018 and moved south in our old campervan. Two years ago we bought land in Portugal that had been abandoned for several decades. After lots of hard work we now live in a beautiful yurt and keep ourselves busy growing our own vegetables as well as producing olive oil, wine and honey on a small scale. This channel documents all the different jobs we have to do, and sometimes some nice footage of this beautiful country we now call home. Want to see more updates? Don't forget to subscribe! Email:
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Chamo-me Sara Jesus e trabalho com unhas de gel desde 2009. Sou portuguesa. O meu objectivo com este canal é tirar dúvidas que algumas iniciantes me colocam e mostrar como alguns produtos de nail art funcionam. Os vídeos saem quase todas as semanas salvo raras excepções e são de fácil compreensão e de curta duração. Tento ser o mais imparcial possível nas reviews que faço e no uso de determinado material que aparece nos vídeos. Subscrevam o canal, NÃO CUSTA NADA! Obrigada. Sara Jesus Email: Facebook: Twitter :
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António Luís Rovisco discloses on his channel remarkable experiences in the fields of travel, culture and art through videos that seek to enhance the beauty of the images, without concessions to an advertising-type aesthetic.
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Here you'll find not the most original content or the just-released products, but certainly always my honest opinions and user-friendly tricks I've picked up throughout my many troubled years and experience as an actress and... person. Because I am a regular human, this will be the perspective you'll get: a beauty and skincare enthusiast who can't afford/have access to everything under the sun, but does the best with what she has, and is not afraid to speak her mind, share her experiences and get her less than perfect face really close to the lens. I'm not into branding "clean/green/toxic" fear-mongering, so science-based all the way. I may make mistakes, but I'm not afraid to admit and correct them. I'm over 40, I live in Lisbon, Portugal, I have sensitive combination skin with the aftermath of more than a decade of severe acne... The odd breakout is frequent, and hyper pigmentation is part of my skin tone. Beauty entertains me.
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Olá sou a Sofia Andrade sou Nail designer e formadora há mais de 12 anos e sejam todos muito bem vindos ao meu canal beleza e unhas, saúde e bem estar ,são abordadas varias temáticas referentes unhas de gel, acrílico, verniz de gel, polygel, acrylic gel, nail art, estrutura, técnicas profissionais, teoria, parcerias, influencias e tendências. Ou como fazer em casa unhas. Com mais de uma década de experiencia, a nossa academia tem como foco não só funcionar como academia e, centro de estética e serviços mas, também encaminhar e acompanhar profissionais com dificuldades de inserção no mercado, etc. Este canal serve de incentivo e apoio para todas e todos os profissionais da área das unhas com vídeos demonstrativos, truques e dicas e muito mais. Podcasts sobre unhas e beleza, saúde e bem estar no geral. Subscreve o canal, nao percas nada. Contato: