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Kini eranya Virtual Reality (VR). Saatnya kita nonton video dengan cara yang berbeda melalui video VR / 360° / 180°. VR Indonesia. Cara tonton video di channel ini adalah dengan mengusap LCD (touchscreen), atau memutar dan menggoyangkan HP yang telah terfasilitasi sistem gyroscop/gyrosphere. Akan lebih bagus lagi jika menggunakan VR Glasses (Kacamata Virtual Reality) agar bisa menjelajahi video dari segala arah ( depan, belakang, samping, atas, & bawah ). Jika menggunakan komputer, maka gunakan mouse atau pointer dengan cara klik & geser.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jangan lupa LIKE SHARE & COMMENT dan SUBCRIBES untuk jadi penonton pertama dengan aktifkan lonceng. Jangan lewatkan ---}
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Hello SemuaNya Salam Kenal Dari Saya #CalonMayat Salam #IcaIca #icaica Asssalaamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Channel YouTube Saya Dibuat Random. Semoga Video"Nya bermafaat Ya Guys. Please Yang Belum SUBCRIBE Please SUBCRIBE Dulu Ya Guys Love You So Much Guys❤ Follow Juga (IG; @my_iica) Thank You Very Much For Watching My Videos💋
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Shirts, blouses, robes, the latest robes, the latest robes for 2023, the latest models of robes, the latest models of dresses, the latest models of dresses, the latest models of robes for 2023, the latest dresses, the latest brocade dresses for 2023, the latest women's dresses, tunic shirts , 2023 tunics, current model tunics, T-shirts, Muslim clothes, tops, women's tops, current tops, suits, the latest women's suits, robes, latest robes, latest robes 2023, latest robes 2023 for Eid , Modern party dress, Latest 2023 brocade robe, Latest Eid 2023 robe, Current model robe, Dress model, Blouse dress model, Brocade, Latest Brocade robe dress model, Latest dress shirt model 2023, Latest dress model, Dress model, The latest dress models, the latest brocade dress models, the latest tunic dress models, suit styles, the latest women's dress styles, the latest gamis models, the latest 2023 robe models, the latest 2023 simple robe models, the latest 2023 simple elegant robe models, dresses
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Hi! We’re AXIOO We’re a group of passionate young people – photographers, videographers, designers, editors and stylists – working together to create beautiful masterpieces. Every day we step into AXIOO house feeling inspired – ignited by passion, fueled by laughter, challenged by creativity. We find ourselves fascinated by the love stories and mesmerized by the twinkle of an eye, the sincerity of a smile and the miracle of a hug. It’s how we create the pages of captured moments. We are in love with love and in constant affair with life. We love bold colors, Simpson clouds, bright lights and happy people. And this team here, this is our family. It’s where our paths cross professionally that touch our lives personally. It’s where freedom is encouraged and relationship is inspired. It’s where we feel at home.
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International Male Model & Content Creator, based in Jakarta Indonesia. Di Channel ini aku, Han Chandra, akan berbagi tips dan sharing seputar Fashion, Men's Grooming, dan kehidupan Modeling aku. Semoga ini bisa menginspirasi dan berguna untuk kalian... NEW WEEKLY VIDEO Feel free to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & SHARE yaaaaaa Han Chandra