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BINARAGA INDONESIA Youtube Channel adalah video tentang pertandingan-pertandingan di event body contest dan binaraga yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah memperkenalkan gaya hidup sehat menjadi budaya bagi masyarakat disemua kalangan usia. Membentuk otot dan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri adalah salah satu manfaat selain pola hidup sehat yang didapatkan. Cocok bagi kalangan muda hingga yang tua dapat merasakan manfaatnya. Jadi Channel ini tepat buat kamu yang tertarik dibidang fitness dan binaraga. Kamu akan banyak mendapat banyak kalayak yang berpenampilan sehat yang dapat menjadi contoh untuk bentuk badan yang ideal, berotot dan tentunya sehat. Silahkan subscribe biar nggak ketinggalan informasinya. Another video at : Binaraga Indonesia - Body Contest Indonesia - Salam Binaraga
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Jika kalian audiens baru di channel ini. Perkenalkan Helsic, channel ini aku buat untuk memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat seputar fitness, gym, calisthenic, kesehatan, dan cerita menarik di bidang olahraga. Tidak hanya itu aku berusaha sebaik mungkin memberikan informasi yang kredibel, berdasarkan pengalaman, dengan referensi yang dapat dipercaya. Aku workout mulai tahun 2018, belajar di dunia fitness dan calisthenic hingga sampai saat ini. Ditahun 2020 aku berhasil menaikkan berat badan dari 42kg ke 60kg (2018-2020). Saat deskripsi ini dibuat, berat badanku 63-64kg dengan tinggi 172cm. Bisa melakukan sedikit gerakan calisthenic seperti muscle up, front lever, handstand push up. Rekor pribadi beban kalistenik (PR) • Pull up 3 reps 36 kg • Ring dips 5 reps 30 kg
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Selamat datang di Chanel YouTube YS Muscle Strength 💪🏻, Chanel ini menceritakan tentang seputar dunia olahraga dan tips pola hidup sehat, teman2 juga boleh request video apa yg mau di upload di Chanel YouTube saya, dengan cara komen di video terbaru saya selanjutnya & jangan lupa klik tombol Subscribe & aktifkan notifikasi loncengnya ya guys, semoga chanel ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua dan menjadi lebih maju dari sebelumnya, Aamiin 🤲🏻 Facebook : Yudha santoso Instagram : @yudhasantoso29
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Welcome to my channel, where I post random videos about a variety of topics, including crypto, military, technology, and more! I'm passionate about learning new things and sharing my knowledge with others, so I hope you'll find something interesting to watch here. I'm not an expert in any one field, but I'm always eager to learn more. I'll do my best to provide accurate and informative videos, but please keep in mind that I'm still on a learning journey myself. If you have any video suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below. I'm always looking for new ideas! Keywords: random videos, crypto, military, technology, learning, sharing knowledge, accurate, informative, video suggestions Call to action: Subscribe to my channel for more random and interesting videos! Hashtags: #randomvideos #crypto #military #technology #learning #sharingknowledge #videosuggestions
We use an advanced automated system to collect YouTube influencer profiles by regularly monitoring the YouTube database. Our system identifies the profiles of Indonesia-based YouTube influencers within the bodybuilding niche by focusing on the following key metrics:
Relevance to bodybuilding: Our system analyzes each influencer's username, bio, and posts to confirm that their content is related to the bodybuilding niche.
Location Verification: Our system checks for the inclusion of city or country names in profiles, and where necessary, we analyze flags, localized posts and profile bio data to confirm the influencer's location in Indonesia.
Public Profiles Only: We exclude private profiles, even if they are Indonesia-based and publish bodybuilding-related content. Our system only extracts the public profiles of influencers.
Sufficient Number of Posts: Our system picks the influencer accounts that have a consistent history of posts. It proves that the influencer is active and engaged in their content.
Minimum Follower Count: Our system prioritizes Indonesia-based bodybuilding influencers with a minimum of 5,000 followers.
By analyzing these key statistics, our system automatically identifies the most relevant bodybuilding influencers located in Indonesia, extracts the data, and adds it to our database. The information is then processed, verified, and classified to ensure accuracy and relevance.
Heepsy uses an Al-powered algorithm to identify the most relevant bodybuilding YouTube influencers in Indonesia.
Identifying Influencer Location in Indonesia:
Profile Location Information: First, we check if the influencers profile explicitly mentions city or country. If the profile contains certain specific cities from Indonesia, or any other reference to Indonesia, we automatically mark the profile as Indonesia-based.
Bio and Content Analysis: If no explicit location is mentioned, our system scans the influencer's bio for any references to Indonesia, such as cultural symbols, language spoken within Indonesia, or location- specific hashtags that could indicate the influencer's connection to Indonesia.
Use of Flags and Emblems: In cases when the influencer doesn't mention a specific city or region, we look for flags in the bio that indicates Indonesia or any related symbols suggesting origin from Indonesia.
Localized Content: We analyze the influencer's content for any localized posts that show landmarks from Indonesia, events, or local cultural references. This can help us identify their location and target audience within Indonesia.
Identifying bodybuilding relevance:
Identifying Key Terms: We begin by searching for specific bodybuilding-related terms, such as 'bodybuilding' or any other industry terms in an influencers profile (including their name, bio, and posts).
Expanding with Synonyms and Variations: Our algorithm recognizes related terms within the industry and other bodybuilding specializations. We also account for variations, ensuring a comprehensive view of the influencer's expertise.
Multilingual Detection: To ensure a global reach, we use an Al-based multilingual sentence transformer to detect influencers in different languages, so we don't miss out on valuable bodybuilding voices around the world.
Assigning Relevance Scores: Each influencer profile is assigned a score based on their relevance to the bodybuilding category. The higher the score, the more aligned their profile with your campaign needs.
Prioritizing Top Influencers: In our recommendations we prioritize the influencers with the highest relevance scores. This helps us to ensure that the profiles suggested are the best fit for your marketing strategy.
During the location identification process, we assign a score to each YouTube influencer profile that reflects its relevance to bodybuilding and Indonesia.
Then we use these scores to rank the profiles in our listings. Influencers with higher relevance scores in both categories - bodybuilding and their connection to Indonesia - are ranked higher in the results.
As a result, when you search for bodybuilding YouTube influencers in Indonesia in our database, the most relevant profiles appear first. This makes it easier for you to find the best match for your project.
We update our database monthly to ensure you have access to the most current and relevant bodybuilding YouTube influencers in Indonesia. The profiles listed reflect the latest data as of March 2025.
Our automated system continuously monitors YouTube, tracking changes in follower count, engagement levels, and content activity from bodybuilding influencers in Indonesia. This ensures that our database remains accurate and relevant and helps you find the best bodybuilding YouTube influencers in Indonesia for your campaigns at any given time.