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WELCOME TO SALE OF PUPPIES and DOGS MEXICO Criadero Spaceanimals Naturally UNIQUE and EXCLUSIVE Puppies Exceptional puppies for their beauty? We are specialists in the selective breeding of puppies, all available breeds due to their excellent qualities, they are unique and special with a printed lifetime guarantee. Discover our wide range of more special and exclusive services. and don't wait any longer to welcome the new member of your family. Mexico is the online pet store with the largest catalog of dog puppies for all tastes and for all needs. With just one click you can buy the copy you want online and receive it in the comfort of your home. #puppies #dogs #guillermopradoa #puppies #dogs #pets #maskota #tips #courses #breeder #breeders #puppy #dogs #puppies #puppy #puppy sales #dogdog #lamascota #elcachorro #eldog
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Este canal ha sido creado para todas aquellas personas que tienen la oportunidad de convivir con una mascota...con la intención de brindar información, tips y consejos para el bienestar de tu mascota. Soy Médico Veterinario Zootecnista & Etólogo Certificado (Psicólogo animal) . Te hablaré con honestidad, ética y profesionalismo. Nuevo video cada semana. Suscríbete y comparte.
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Ⓥ ♥ Thank you for all the kind comments and messages : ) My pets are: Lucky-♂ (Rat Terrier/Toy fox Terrier, Jack Russell-Chihuahua)... who knows? Tasha -♀ (Pomeranian) Lexy & Misty-sisters ♀ (Color-point short-hair) Lexy passed away on 12/04/10 (Cancer), her sister Misty passed on 10/30/12 (kidney failure), they gave us the most unconditional love imaginable. "The time will come when men will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men" -Leonardo Da Vinci "If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals." --Albert Einstein "Cruelty has cursed the human family for countless ages. It is almost impossible for one to be cruel to animals and kind to humans. If children are permitted to be cruel to their pets and other animals, they easily learn to get the same pleasure from the misery of fellow-humans. Such tendencies can easily lead to crime." --Fred A.McGrand (1895- )