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Computer programming - coding - taught like it should have always been taught. Our mission is to teach you how to read and write computer code, specifically in the language of Python. Focusing on python 3, python games, python in finance and algo trading, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
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Treasure Chest Virgin Hair was established in 2009 in the Dallas/Fort Worth area by Owner/CEO Tamara Starks who had a sincere passion for uplifting women and accentuating their beauty. Since then, Treasure Chest Virgin Hair has evolved into a powerhouse brand with superior products in both quality and price. We have a direct relationship with our oversea suppliers, which allows us to maintain competitive prices and decrease shipping time. We believe that every woman should feel beautiful inside and out every moment of every day. We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality products to women and strive to build good relationships with our clients so every purchase is a luxury experience. We are the "Premier Hair of the South."
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This channel hosts lectures from Professor Matt McCormick, Philosophy, at California State University, Sacramento. It includes his lectures for Philosophy of Mind, Inductive Logic, Critical Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and Philosophy of Religion. Topics include better critical reasoning and decision making, the nature of consciousness, philosophical issues surrounding artificial intelligence, and arguments concerning the existence of God.
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Copy and Paste This URL to Become a Patron and Support Independent Research! Former CBS Radio feature producer Jon Kelly reported details of the Iraq War two years before it began. An expert in detecting unconscious encrypted voice communications, Mr. Kelly has contributed to 1000+ international radio and television interviews, producing intelligence verified by medical professionals, law enforcement and the test of time. An avid UFO skywatcher, Jon Kelly has logged hundreds of hours taping UFOs in Dallas, Stephenville, Marfa, ECETI Ranch, Vancouver and the Okanagan. His unique still photography demonstrates the visual signatures of mirror encryptions in Sanskrit mantras to offer rare public insight into advanced stages of classical yogic meditation practices.
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Bienvenidos al canal de YouTube dedicado a la Inteligencia Artificial, donde podrás descubrir los avances más recientes y las noticias más relevantes de este fascinante campo. Nuestro objetivo es llevarte a través de un viaje en el que podrás explorar cómo la inteligencia artificial está cambiando nuestro mundo de maneras nunca antes imaginadas. Desde los avances más básicos hasta las aplicaciones más innovadoras, nuestro canal te mantendrá actualizado con las últimas tendencias y desarrollos de la IA. Además, te proporcionaremos información detallada sobre cómo funciona la inteligencia artificial, desde sus componentes fundamentales hasta las aplicaciones prácticas de la tecnología en el mundo real. También discutiremos cómo la IA está transformando sectores como la salud, el transporte, la industria, y muchos más. Si estás interesado en el futuro de la tecnología y la inteligencia artificial, este canal es el lugar perfecto para ti.