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The military is an arm of government authorised to use lethal force, and weapons, to support the interests of the state and some or all of its citizens. The task of the military is usually defined as defence of the state and its citizens, and the prosecution of war against another state. The military may also have additional sanctioned and non-sanctioned functions within a society, including, the promotion of a political agenda, protecting corporate economic interests, internal population control, construction, emergency services, social ceremonies, and guarding important areas. The military can also function as a discrete sub-culture within a larger civil society, through the development of separate infrastructures, which may include housing, schools, utilities, food production and banking. FOR More information about military history visit site at as well as business website at
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Corrective Nail SPA NubabyTechnique comes from Canada, after a two-year specialized school, and has passed strict national accreditation in Canada. Established in 2008, the nail salon has been specializing in nail correction for over 11 years and is one of the most experienced nail specialists in Taiwan. As a specialty nail salon, 99% of our customers come to us for problematic nails, and we have helped nearly 4,000 customers. Nail Correction Problem Nail Treatment By making regular artificial nails, rubbing nail polish and ointment regularly on your fingertips, and taking care of your hands, the skin on your fingertips will gradually return to health, protect your nails from damage, help your nails grow, and gradually adjust the shape of your nails to return to the health and beauty they deserve. Decide today to return your nails to health and beauty! Through a professional nail correction program, the damage caused over the years can be gradually improved
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Rolling Rolling Channel mainly designs marble run races with simple machines to inspire new ideas and to enjoy pure marble sounds with ASMR effects. We like to be creative and think differently about marbles. In 1,000 ways, we keep incorporating new ideas into marble playing. We believe a marble is not just a marble. One needs problem-solving skills, basic science knowledge, cognitive intelligence, sensory integration, and brainstorming to invent and build a DIY homemade marble run race track. Are you ready for the visual and audio surprises? Come join us to find your wow experiences! Disclaimer: 1. Marbles and other balls are not edible. Please be careful with them, and put them away from children. 2. All our marble run race ASMR videos are made to provide new ideas and satisfying ASMR sounds, and (Unless otherwise specified,) they are made for general audience.
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長知識、闔家歡、找創意!適合成長學習的優質國際新聞!108課綱議題的好幫手! 新唐人亞太電視國際新聞《大千世界 Amazing World》官方頻道「新奇世界」,將全球新奇、趣味的焦點新聞帶給觀眾。以普世價值為基礎,打造全方位、乾淨、有益、正向的新知趣聞,讓您在放鬆中得以成長,在增廣見聞的同時,也能闔家歡樂,一起為自己或孩子培養創新實力。 編輯群用心為您把關,杜絕暴力、腥、羶、色。在品德素養的結合下,從兒童到大人,從學生到上班族,本節目都是您吃飯、做事、休閒、收取新知、豐富生活的好夥伴。 本頻道中文影片於台北時間每週五、週六更新。主播宇曦用每周兩部【完整版影片】(近半小時),帶您快速汲取世界各地的新鮮事。 在台灣迎向國際的浪潮下,本頻道另有【大千英語新聞】播放清單,通過閱讀、收聽與影像記憶等多功能方式加速學習。每則短短的影片,讓忙碌的現代人也能通勤學英文,相信是普羅大眾快樂的好幫手。 節目囊括8大類包羅萬象的世界趣聞,觀眾可依自己的喜好,盡情探索這個「amazing world」! 【奇人軼事】世界紀錄、人物故事 ── 有奇特,感人,也有勵志。 【電影戲劇】以挑米般的精神,送上正面訊息。 【創意點子】總是有想不盡的好點子,耳濡目染也能激盪出更多巧思。 【科技發明】一起來Follow全球性的科技趨勢吧! 【動物奇觀】可愛寵物、野生動物、海洋生物、保育物種。 【旅遊與美食】各國的奇風異俗、展演比賽、特色景點、異國美食,令人大開眼界。 【設計與藝術】美學與創意勾勒出設計,心靈與感動交織成藝術,為生活帶來千百品味。 【自然科學與生命探索】探索生命、宇宙、大自然、神秘現象 ── 教科書沒講的,這個世界一直有新的發現,打破著過去的認知。 ⭐️捍衛未來 支持新唐人➡️ ⚡因應社交媒體訊息審查、封鎖、降觸及,請大家盡快加入以下平台,持續接收最新最真實的報導💪 📍 APP ➡️ 📍 乾淨世界➡️ ( 按「關注」) 📍 官網 ➡️ ✌多元收看方式👉如何收看新唐人亞太台
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Hi 🥰 This is Sabrina! I am now studying in US as a UIUX grad student. My goal is to work and stay in US after I graduate. This is my space where I record my life, learn about video editing, and practice speaking in front of cameras. I will be sharing my life in the US and cultural differences on this channel. What’s MOST IMPORTANT is I input 200% 🧡 of hard work into video making. If you also like my little space, you are welcome to follow me.
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大家好,我是 Gucci,從美商科技業大數據工程師到美股投資分享者, 也是科學&系統化投資的引路人,用數據說話的美股投資教練🤖 💪 今年是我經營部落格的第10年(粉專第9年),目前是一位全職自顧者,同時也是: ⟪安心美股選擇權月月現金流大師班⟫ 教練 暢銷書⟪美股股息成長投資術⟫ 作者 ⟪美股雙校成長投資術⟫ 課程講師 美國公司:Chasing The Sun Gucci LLC.的創辦人(獨資) 💡 我的價值主張: 我幫助追求安全穩健的投資人,以科學化、系統化的 SOP 來建立可信賴的機制(Mechainsm),不再受情緒干擾理性決策。 我認為財務自由的重點不在於賺很多錢,而是全球暢銷書【心態致富】中提到的,我可以在任何時間,跟我想要陪伴的人,做我想做的事。 📌 不要錯過這麼優質的節目,現在按下訂閱開始改變你的投資生活吧~ |聯絡方式| ◉E-mail: |免費資源| ★ 2023-股息君王(成長超過50年)公司清單免費下載: ★ 免費索取!! 2堂長達45分鐘,低風險的選擇權策略教學影片: ★ 免費索取!! 2022年只下跌3%的股息成長投資持股清單: ★ 打折股息成長股獵人計算機 4.0:
We use an advanced automated system to collect YouTube influencer profiles by regularly monitoring the YouTube database. Our system identifies the profiles of New Taipei-based YouTube influencers within the artificial intelligence niche by focusing on the following key metrics:
Relevance to artificial intelligence: Our system analyzes each influencer's username, bio, and posts to confirm that their content is related to the artificial intelligence niche.
Location Verification: Our system checks for the inclusion of city or country names in profiles, and where necessary, we analyze flags, localized posts and profile bio data to confirm the influencer's location in New Taipei.
Public Profiles Only: We exclude private profiles, even if they are New Taipei-based and publish artificial intelligence-related content. Our system only extracts the public profiles of influencers.
Sufficient Number of Posts: Our system picks the influencer accounts that have a consistent history of posts. It proves that the influencer is active and engaged in their content.
Minimum Follower Count: Our system prioritizes New Taipei-based artificial intelligence influencers with a minimum of 5,000 followers.
By analyzing these key statistics, our system automatically identifies the most relevant artificial intelligence influencers located in New Taipei, extracts the data, and adds it to our database. The information is then processed, verified, and classified to ensure accuracy and relevance.
Heepsy uses an Al-powered algorithm to identify the most relevant artificial intelligence YouTube influencers in New Taipei.
Identifying Influencer Location in New Taipei:
Profile Location Information: First, we check if the influencers profile explicitly mentions city or country. If the profile contains certain specific cities from New Taipei, or any other reference to New Taipei, we automatically mark the profile as New Taipei-based.
Bio and Content Analysis: If no explicit location is mentioned, our system scans the influencer's bio for any references to New Taipei, such as cultural symbols, language spoken within New Taipei, or location- specific hashtags that could indicate the influencer's connection to New Taipei.
Use of Flags and Emblems: In cases when the influencer doesn't mention a specific city or region, we look for flags in the bio that indicates New Taipei or any related symbols suggesting origin from New Taipei.
Localized Content: We analyze the influencer's content for any localized posts that show landmarks from New Taipei, events, or local cultural references. This can help us identify their location and target audience within New Taipei.
Identifying artificial intelligence relevance:
Identifying Key Terms: We begin by searching for specific artificial intelligence-related terms, such as 'artificial intelligence' or any other industry terms in an influencers profile (including their name, bio, and posts).
Expanding with Synonyms and Variations: Our algorithm recognizes related terms within the industry and other artificial intelligence specializations. We also account for variations, ensuring a comprehensive view of the influencer's expertise.
Multilingual Detection: To ensure a global reach, we use an Al-based multilingual sentence transformer to detect influencers in different languages, so we don't miss out on valuable artificial intelligence voices around the world.
Assigning Relevance Scores: Each influencer profile is assigned a score based on their relevance to the artificial intelligence category. The higher the score, the more aligned their profile with your campaign needs.
Prioritizing Top Influencers: In our recommendations we prioritize the influencers with the highest relevance scores. This helps us to ensure that the profiles suggested are the best fit for your marketing strategy.
During the location identification process, we assign a score to each YouTube influencer profile that reflects its relevance to artificial intelligence and New Taipei.
Then we use these scores to rank the profiles in our listings. Influencers with higher relevance scores in both categories - artificial intelligence and their connection to New Taipei - are ranked higher in the results.
As a result, when you search for artificial intelligence YouTube influencers in New Taipei in our database, the most relevant profiles appear first. This makes it easier for you to find the best match for your project.
We update our database monthly to ensure you have access to the most current and relevant artificial intelligence YouTube influencers in New Taipei. The profiles listed reflect the latest data as of March 2025.
Our automated system continuously monitors YouTube, tracking changes in follower count, engagement levels, and content activity from artificial intelligence influencers in New Taipei. This ensures that our database remains accurate and relevant and helps you find the best artificial intelligence YouTube influencers in New Taipei for your campaigns at any given time.