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GERALD PETER was born in Vienna, Austria in 1986, and is a passionate keyboardist, seaboard player, producer, composer and technology enthusiast. He is currently on tour with Cirque du Soleil – VOLTA as a show band musician and was a former ROLI seaboard specialist. He has also previously released two albums with his bands Circle of Illusion and Inspirational Corner. His latest project 'Incremental Changes - Pt. 1' is the first of a trilogy where he combines all his passions, not only showcasing his ability to compose, produce and perform music on all of his instruments, but creating the video and MIDI reactive visuals that respond to all the notes being played. Gerald Peter who acts as composer, keyboardist and producer is redefining genre boundaries by mixing progressive rock, cinematic music, jazz and pop to create a rare crossover style‚ Cinematic Prog, using an unusual blend of instruments.
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Official Herbert von Karajan Channel on Youtube. Operator: Eliette und Herbert von Karajan Institute E-Mail: Web: Managing Director: Matthias Röder, PhD Registered Trade Mark: The name HERBERT VON KARAJAN/KARAJAN® is a registered trademark and a trademark of the Karajan Estate.
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We really offer a free AI Telegram Channel if you have any queries for me regarding AI businesses or my developers on that process. I’ll also leave the URL in the following description. But that’s all I have for you folks for today’s piece. Please hit the subscribe button so you won’t miss an article if you liked the material and would like to see more articles about artificial intelligence and how it may enhance your daily life. In any case, I hope you guys have a great day and I’ll see you in the next one.
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AVL List GmbH (“AVL”) with its headquarters in Graz, is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and in other sectors such as rail, marine, and energy. Based on extensive in-house research activities, the company delivers concepts, technology solutions, methodologies, and development tools for a greener, safer, better world of mobility and beyond. AVL supports international partners and customers in their sustainable and digital transformation. The focus lies on the areas of electrification, software, AI and automation. Innovation is AVL’s passion. Together with 12,200 employees at more than 90 locations and with 45 Tech and Engineering Centers worldwide, AVL is driving the future of mobility. In 2023, the company generated a turnover of 2.05 billion Euros, of which 10 % are invested in R&D activities.
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Hallo ihr Lieben, schön, dass ihr auf unserem Kanal gelandet seid! Wir sind die Laulis – Laurin, Lisa und Lion – eine Familie aus Österreich und dabei, unseren großen Traum zu verwirklichen, den Traum einer Weltreise. Wir haben uns auf den Weg gemacht, um uns selbst und uns als Familie wieder neu zu entdecken und unser persönliches Glück zu finden. Unser Leben ist eine Reise und unsere Reise unser Leben. Das Leben ist zu kurz, um das Glücklichsein auf später zu verschieben! Lasst euch mitnehmen auf dieses Abenteuer! Taucht mit uns ein in eine Welt voller Magie und Schönheit, aber auch voller Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten. Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr uns auf diesem Weg begleitet! :-) Eure Laulis
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Ich bin Conny und ich liebe gesunden Genuss. Mein Kanal heißt ConnyPure, weil ich das Leben am liebsten pur genieße. Ich bin keine Veganerin, nicht einmal Vegetarierin. Aber ich genieße bewusst und mit Köpfchen. Auf meinem Kanal versorge ich Euch nicht nur mit viel Tipps und Tricks zur gesunden Küche, sondern liefere Euch jede Menge nützliches Ernährungswissen und zwar kurz, knackig und informativ. Denn ich bin der Meinung, dass jeder sein eigener Wohlfühlmanager werden kann, wenn man mal weiß was da so abgeht im Körper. Seit 15 Jahren fesselt mich das Thema Ernährung und beschäftigt mich beruflich wie privat. Ich coache, halte Vorträge und Kurse und irgendwann habe ich auch mein erstes Buch geschrieben, einen Ratgeber mit dem Titel „Genussvoll Abnehmen“. Im Fernsehen könnt Ihr mich regelmäßig bei ServusTV sehen, wo ich als Expertin immer wieder um Rat gefragt werde. Ich freu mich über Eure Anregungen, Kommentare und Videowünsche rund um die Ernährung. Eure ConnyPure
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WELCOME to the official Belvedere YOUTUBE Channel! Home to the largest collection of Gustav Klimt’s paintings, the Belvedere in Vienna ranks among the world’s most striking and significant museums. The Belvedere holds the greatest collection of Austrian art dating from the Middle Ages to the present day, placed in an international context. The museum is housed in two magnificent palaces – the Upper and Lower Belvedere. These were built in the eighteenth century as the summer residence of the legendary general Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663–1736) and are the work of Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt (1668–1745), a pre-eminent architect of the time. As one of the world’s most stunning Baroque landmarks, the palaces with their extensive gardens have been listed a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001.
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TechMagnet is about Technology, Science and how everything else in this world works. We are here to tell you the Truth about Tech in all its facets. Techmagnet starting doing Quality Tech Videos in 2015. We are passionated about industry storytelling and how everything in the world works. Besides that we love cars, motorbikes and Gadgets. Email: Imprint:
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Hello broski, 100percent cars is all about the things we car guys love. My team and I try to our best to satisfy your daily craving for motors and machines. Check out the descriptions under the new videos, there tips for coming your dremcar and/or dreambody a step closer. peace up bless u