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ocated in the very heart of Paris, near Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet is currently served pastorally by priests of the Sacerdotal Fraternity of Saint-Pie-X founded in 1970 by Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre. The specificity of the Church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet consists in that the liturgy is exclusively celebrated there according to the traditional Latin rites of the Catholic Church as they existed all over the world on the eve of the Second Vatican Council.
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Bonjour, je m’appelle Emmanuel PINTO, le nom de ma chaîne est #ManuPinto, ma chaîne est conçue pour la musique religieuse, musique Catholique, 2 à 3 vidéos par semaine, ces vidéos ont les paroles pour que vous puissiez chanter en même temps. Mais comme je suis accordéoniste, je mets 1 vidéo par semaine de musette variétés. Si vous avez besoin d’une musique pour l’apprendre pour votre paroisse du Dimanche, vous pouvez me la demander, si je trouve la partition ce sera avec joie. Lien : Pour l’amour de Dieu, parole de Dieu, musique instrumental, chant catholique, méditation divertissement, louer le Christ, prier avec de la musique, chants d’église, messe du Dimanche, chanter l’amour de Dieu, Jésus Christ, louange et Adoration, musique chrétienne, chants religieux, louer Dieu, Chant Liturgique, Chant à Marie, Vierge Marie, Sainte Marie, RELIGIOUS MUSIC, love of God, praise God, sing the love of God, with the lyrics, Song to Mary, MUSICA RELIGIOSA,
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With a passion for the worlds of political action and design, John was greatly influenced by his Italian mother's Amalfi Coast roots and his French father's dedication to the built environment. John travelled extensively in France and Italy, studying not only the languages but also the politics, art, design and architecture of the regions. Raised in Connecticut, John spent 16 years at French-speaking Catholic schools. He lived in Paris for a year during high school and in Lyon for a year during college while he studied Communications and Linguistic Psychology. He recently studied art history in Florence at the Uffizi. He worked for a national marketing firm throughout the 90's and in the retail and design world for the last ten years. He's been involved in political advocacy all of his life. He has partnered with many of his long time business associates to form The Advisorie Group.
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Maïa Darmé is a French harpist and composer. Hailed as an ambassador for her instrument, she has earned an international reputation for her commanding on-stage presence and captivating performances. An active soloist and chamber musician, she has performed in over 25 countries on all continents. As a classical soloist she collaborated with numerous national orchestras, but she is also equally at ease playing traditional or electric harps. She has notably joined forces with world music, jazz, experimental, electro, punk, hip-hop and reggae bands. She started playing the harp at the age of six and went on to learn under the guidance of some of the world's most acclaimed harpists. Having graduated from the Bordeaux and Paris conservatories, she relocated to Australia to study harp performance and composition at the Australian National University. She then attended Columbia University, New York, where she furthered her composition studies as well as diving into electronic music.
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This chain is for those who want to become an apostle of love according to the messages of Medjugorje. Indeed, the Blessed Virgin Mary says that it is not too late to become an apostle of love and for that we must take up the old messages of Medjugorje and apply them in your life ... Medjugorje for those who do not know not is a world place of appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bosnia. it is a place identical to Fatima for Catholics ...
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Acoustic Music with Guitar bagpipes and many rock musicians irish traditional dances and tunes. .Medieval renaissance and middle ages historical videos with old musical themes and tracks with ancient instruments such as nickelharpa,dulcimer.Artists such as powerful singers like Luc Arbogast and also health organic videos by doctor Professeur Joyeux.Live sessions with street talented players playing for awesome people.Tutorials to learn instruments. Life is in sharing energy and how to performances.