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Welcome to the official YouTube channel for Stephen Garner "MyTitleGuy". This channel is your guide for online real estate marketing, specifically REAL ESTATE VIDEO. I regularly post "HOW TO's", HD Property Tours, Lifestyle and Community videos I've created for my real estate clients through my production company - HUB Media Company. I am also the founder of "Video For Real Estate Agents" which is the definitive guide to using video in real estate. Over the last 12 years I have become proficient in the challenges real estate professionals face in their business. EVERYTHING I do and say is based upon MY OWN PERSONAL SUCCESS. You WON'T find any THEORY here - only what works. Of course, I do all this with my trademark sarcasm and humor. Visit my websites,, for more. Ready to take your real estate business to the next level with video? Then the Video For Real Estate Agents course is for you.
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Broadcast 360 vous propose son savoir faire dans le domaine du marketing immobilier . Découvrez nos solutions pour aider l à vendre Mieux et plus vite grâce au digital . En 2023 chaque vendeur doit pouvoir donner la plus belle image de son bien pour aider les futurs acheteurs à se projeter en toute transparence , consultez nous ! Contactez nous sur
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Paris Rental is the leading luxury real estate firm in Paris with hundreds of prestigious housing for rent and sale. We specialize in long-term rentals for Expatriates, International Companies, Embassies, and Government Organizations; provide the luxury of customer service. For more information: visit our website
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Mon prénom Pierre-Axel, Vous n’avez pas du en rencontrer souvent des Pierre Axel ! Ce qui me caractérise : la passion, la réussite, l’envie de toujours faire mieux ! Qu’est-ce qui me motive à me lever tous les matins ? De pouvoir m'améliorer chaque nouvelle journée qui commence, apprendre et donner le meilleur de moi même ! Mon coeur d'activité, ma passion ? L'immobilier de luxe, je suis le fondateur et CEO de La Maison iKeys. Que puis-je faire pour vous ? 1/ Vous aider à réaliser vos projets en vous partageant mes habitudes gagnantes au quotidien, 2/ Vous donner la recette gagnante pour devenir le meilleur accompagnateur immobilier possible de votre secteur ! 3/ Améliorer votre style de vie J’aime le partage, la rigueur, la qualité, apprendre, faire de nouvelle rencontre, la compétition, et réussir chaque mission que j’entreprends. Mon mantra : #DOITANDBETHEBEST / Ready to be the Best ?
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Luxury French Properties - discover your future luxury property on our site! Luxury French Properties is one of the first real estate company specializing in luxury properties prestige in France. We manage sale projects purchase of high-class properties offering international customers a wide range of customized services that allows it to carry out its projects in the context of absolute professionalism. The real estate agency Luxury French Properties invites you to visit its collection of luxury properties, prestige and charm for sale or rent in the most beautiful regions of France. You will discover the meaning of our real estate major brand : castles, riads, chalets, luxury apartments, townhouses. Easily make your property search among our estate listings and find your dream house! Luxury French Properties: the best choice for your luxury property! Buying real estate -- from vision to reality
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The mission of Fabien Dessaint is to accompany and propel entrepreneurs and future leaders to success. Fabien Dessaint created his first company at the age of 22 when he was still a student. In the first year, he realized a turnover that exceeded one million euros from zero and then more Than doubled its turnover. He has since created and developed several other companies: a fitness center concept and nutrition shop ... invested in real estate companies and he is also a consultant to European and Asian companies. Today, Fabien is this "someone" who accompanies without judgment, this person who keeps a cool head and to move forward keeping his motivation intact in both professional and personal life. The tools to succeed through videos. Tips to improve your motivation, your leadership and succeed in your goals.
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The Roatan Travel Network showcases the very best of Roatan in a fun, informative, and visually impressive program. It is the perfect way for people to learn about Roatan before their arrival or during their vacation. Let the Roatan Travel Network be your guide to a fun-filled vacation in Roatan, be sure to view this amazing production which captures the beauty, history, events, people, and undiscovered wonders of Roatan. The Roatan Travel Network is your Roatan guide to Hotels, Resorts, Diving, Real Estate, Tours and so much more.
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안녕하세요? 박용덕 박사입니다. Nice to meet you. I am a PhD in Real Estate. 25년 동안 공인중개사법과 부동산 강의, 수년 간의 중개사무소 운영 경험을 바탕으로 1) 공인중개사 시험 대비 "공인중개사법" 관련 내용, 2) 중개사무소 운영에 필요한 "중개실무" 관련 내용, 3) 부동산 관련 내용(개정사항 등), 부동산 법률, 경제 관련 지식을 공유하고, 가끔은 여행과 맛있는 음식을 통해 힐링 시간을 갖고자 합니다. (Share real estate law and economic knowledge, Sometimes I want to have a healing time through travel and delicious food.) 많은 시청 부탁 드립니다. Thank you for watching. 약력 • 고려대학교 법학석사 • 목원대학교 부동산학과 박사 • 단국대학교 정책경영대학원 석사과정 강사 • 국제사이버대학교 부동산학과 객원교수 • 동국대학교 행정대학원 공인중개사 실무교육 강사 • 한국부동산리츠투자자문협회 프롭테크연구분야 자문위원 • 서울산업진흥원 외국인 창업대학 강사 • 경기도 개업공인중개사 연수교육 강사 • 한국공인중개사협회 공인중개사 실무교육 강사 경력 • 한국부동산학회 학술위원 • 한국민사집행법학회 정회원 • 2002~2003,2008~2009 EBS 교육방송 출연 강사 • 한국경매사협회 경매담당 강사, 공무원 자치연수원 강사 • 건국대학교 평생교육원 강사 역임 • 2010 한국경제TV 공인중개사법 강사 • 2007~2008 EBS 명품강좌 강사 • 공인중개사법령 및 실무 등 다수의 교재 집필 박용덕 박사의 카페 : 밴드 :
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Gérard Faivre revolutionizes luxury real estate. In the world of interior design, Gérard Faivre, a world-renowned interior designer, ranked among the most influential, has made decoration a true artistic expression. By placing emotion, beauty and life at the heart of his universe, he transforms the classic vision of decoration by giving it a new impetus. Alchemist of modern times, Gérard Faivre is above all a visionary. Luxury apartments paris, luxurious apartment paris, luxury apartments in paris, luxury apartment in paris, paris luxurious apartment, paris luxurious apartments, concierge service, designers, sales prestigious properties, integrated hotel services, apartments for sale, luxury apartments paris, appartement de luxe paris, luxury properties, property, sumptuous apartments, prestigious apartments, tv luxury apartments paris, new media luxury apartments paris, television internet luxury apartments paris, luxury press magazine, designer paris, architect paris.