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Führender Beziehungsexperte, Coach & Bestseller Autor - hier kostenlos die wertvollsten Gesetze und Prinzipien aus über 10 Jahren - Der Beziehungscoach für Singles, und Paare „Jeder Mensch verdient eine glückliche Beziehung!" Herzlich willkommen, Dominik Borde hier. Als Beziehungscoach, Autor und Trainer unterstütze ich tagtäglich Männer und Frauen dabei ein erfüllteres und glücklicheres Beziehungsleben zu führen. Auch ich selbst habe in meinen Beziehungen nicht immer alles richtig gemacht und weiß daher auch aus eigener Erfahrung wie wichtig dieser Bereich im Leben ist. Mit meinen Tipps, Paar- und Einzeltrainings oder im Rahmen unserer Ausbildungen, biete ich dir natürliche Lösungen, die schlichtweg wirken! KOSTENLOSES ERSTGESPRÄCH: Senden Sie eine E-mail an:
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AVL List GmbH (“AVL”) with its headquarters in Graz, is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and in other sectors such as rail, marine, and energy. Based on extensive in-house research activities, the company delivers concepts, technology solutions, methodologies, and development tools for a greener, safer, better world of mobility and beyond. AVL supports international partners and customers in their sustainable and digital transformation. The focus lies on the areas of electrification, software, AI and automation. Innovation is AVL’s passion. Together with 12,200 employees at more than 90 locations and with 45 Tech and Engineering Centers worldwide, AVL is driving the future of mobility. In 2023, the company generated a turnover of 2.05 billion Euros, of which 10 % are invested in R&D activities.
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Raphael Wressnig is not your ordinary B-3 organ player. He confidently brings out the inherent pyrotechnic power and mightiness of the large B-3 console and he is proud of his central role in performing what he calls “organ-heavy soul & funk”. His fluency in soul, funk, jazz and blues has garnered him the attention of an international claque of critics and multiple nominations, over the past decade, for the DownBeat Critics Poll as “Best Organ Player of the Year”. From New Orleans-style funk to soul and rhythm & blues, Wressnig’s percussive and greasy Hammond sounds conjure dynamic, high-voltage music. Old-school and new-school rendezvous in his style and his sound combines an authentic soul & blues vibe and a “lowdown” feel with a contemporary funk edge for a unique listening experience. Together with his co-conspirators - The Soul Gift Band - he shows the bright potential of soul, blues and funk in a modern world and will give the audience a new way to experience these old genres.
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Ich bin Conny und ich liebe gesunden Genuss. Mein Kanal heißt ConnyPure, weil ich das Leben am liebsten pur genieße. Ich bin keine Veganerin, nicht einmal Vegetarierin. Aber ich genieße bewusst und mit Köpfchen. Auf meinem Kanal versorge ich Euch nicht nur mit viel Tipps und Tricks zur gesunden Küche, sondern liefere Euch jede Menge nützliches Ernährungswissen und zwar kurz, knackig und informativ. Denn ich bin der Meinung, dass jeder sein eigener Wohlfühlmanager werden kann, wenn man mal weiß was da so abgeht im Körper. Seit 15 Jahren fesselt mich das Thema Ernährung und beschäftigt mich beruflich wie privat. Ich coache, halte Vorträge und Kurse und irgendwann habe ich auch mein erstes Buch geschrieben, einen Ratgeber mit dem Titel „Genussvoll Abnehmen“. Im Fernsehen könnt Ihr mich regelmäßig bei ServusTV sehen, wo ich als Expertin immer wieder um Rat gefragt werde. Ich freu mich über Eure Anregungen, Kommentare und Videowünsche rund um die Ernährung. Eure ConnyPure
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Official Herbert von Karajan Channel on Youtube. Operator: Eliette und Herbert von Karajan Institute E-Mail: Web: Managing Director: Matthias Röder, PhD Registered Trade Mark: The name HERBERT VON KARAJAN/KARAJAN® is a registered trademark and a trademark of the Karajan Estate.
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Dr. Joy Martina, Psychic Psychologist and a Channeler of Christallin Consciousness, specializes in High-Level Intuitive Intelligence Training for entrepreneurs, business owners and celebrities. She is a Bestselling Author, the Creator of the Christallin Oracle Training (a training to develop mastery over our innate psychic abilities), a Master Hypnotist and Trainer of Trainers. She is passionate about helping people strengthen their intuition, access their internal intelligence and use more of their potential to create the life of their dreams. She adores guiding people out of their stuck states and inspiring them to enjoy life. Find out more 👉
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Welcome to the official global Plasser & Theurer YouTube channel! This is your official source for P&T video content including news, world premieres, technology, tutorials and so much more from the world of Plasser & Theurer. Subscribe to this channel to become a community member of your favourite manufacturer of machines for laying and maintenance of railway tracks. Further information about the company, its products and services can be found at: © 2023, "Plasser & Theurer", "Plasser" and "P&T" are internationally registered trademarks Legal notices: All rights, in particular those of duplication, dubbing and translation reserved. Subject to change at any time. Technical data are standard values and may vary depending on the version. Illustrations and descriptions contain additional equipment. Driving speed information subject to compliance with regulations governing use such as operation, maintenance, transport and the relevant approval requirement.
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WELCOME to the official Belvedere YOUTUBE Channel! Home to the largest collection of Gustav Klimt’s paintings, the Belvedere in Vienna ranks among the world’s most striking and significant museums. The Belvedere holds the greatest collection of Austrian art dating from the Middle Ages to the present day, placed in an international context. The museum is housed in two magnificent palaces – the Upper and Lower Belvedere. These were built in the eighteenth century as the summer residence of the legendary general Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663–1736) and are the work of Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt (1668–1745), a pre-eminent architect of the time. As one of the world’s most stunning Baroque landmarks, the palaces with their extensive gardens have been listed a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001.