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Lager videoer om alt som angår aksjer og fondssparing med mål om å nå ut til flest mulige norske aksjespirer! Investering i aksjer og fond kan være både gøy og lønnsomt i lengden og er noe alle burde delta i om de kan! Istedet for å la penger råtne vekk til inflasjon i banken kan du jo få med deg 8-10% avkastning i et indeksfond eller kanskje 20-30% om du treffer godt med en enkeltaksje? Uavhengig av alder, kjønn eller lønnssjikte bør du delta i aksjemarkedet og bli med på oppgangen istedet for å la Røkke og co. ha all morroa! Selv har jeg investert i aksjer siden 2013 og min portefølje består hovedsaklig av amerikanske vekstaksjer. Per dags dato er jeg investert i følgende selskaper: Amazon Investor AB Lockheed Martin Nvidia Palantir Scatec Solar Tesla The Trade desk
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In Mari Samuelsen’s musical universe there are no barriers between the music of such contemporary composers as Max Richter, Arvo Pärt, Pēteris Vasks and Jeff Mills and that of Bach, Beethoven and Vivaldi. With her breathtaking artistry and adventurous approach to programming and presentation, Mari Samuelsen has inspired a global audience. The Norwegian violinist’s emotionally charged style of playing, backed by an immaculate technique and searching intelligence, penetrates deep beneath the surface of her strikingly broad repertoire. Her previous albums have reached 1st and 2nd place on the nordic pop charts and her videos on YouTube with nearly 25 million views reflects her online presence and popularity. Mari Samuelsen is an exclusive recording artist on Deutsche Grammophon and her next album "MARI" will be released Summer 2019.
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Welcome to my channel All About AI =) Website: How you can start to use Generative AI to help you with creative or other daily tasks. So I aim to bring Generative AI to everyone. - AI Engineering - ChatGPT - GPT-4 - Midjourney - Stable Diffusion - Python - AI Automation We will answer all your questions about ai, genereal questions about the future of ai and the ethics of artificial general intelligence. Follow our channel if you want to get going in this space =)
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Music for Sleeping Babies | Disney Lullaby For Babies | Sleep with Mickey Sweet music, relax music, study music, sleep music or what you need in this moment. In our channel Awesome Sounds you will find children's songs and educational videos in Spanish for children. In addition, we offer a variety of lullabies and special instrumental music to sleep and relax babies. If you want to calm your baby before bedtime, put on some relaxing baby music, and you'll see how she likes it; you will help to relax both your brain and your body thanks to the vibrations that the music releases. Soft melodies that relax your baby at the time of sleep. Music especially created for the relaxation and calm of the child, based on the Mozart effect. Relaxing Music for Babies, Lullabies, Music for Babies, Mozart Effect Music for Sleeping, Sleeping and soothing. Musica para relajarse y descansar profundamente Lullaby for your baby Canción de cuna para tu bebe #musicaparadormir #lullaby #dormirbebes #sleepbaby
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Skavlan is Scandinavia's biggest talk show, aiming to create intelligent entertainment in Swedish, Norwegian and English. Fredrik Skavlan’s unique mix of local and international guests from the worlds of show-business, politics, commerce, arts and sciences allows for a broad specter of topics to be discussed in each program. We hope that you want to subscribe to our YouTube channel!