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Hand to man's heart to god, which means hand to heart to man. Everything good we do, I believe nothing is in vain. If we put god first in our every step. Some explanation of my account the aloha channel why I named it, aloha in hawwai is love. In 2019 I found a puppy who came in front of my house that was so dirty and scrawny. Not knowing who the owner was, but the pup was a wild pup that had been left with its mother. And asked for protection in my house because there were many threats to him, and in other conditions he was also hungry. I'd put the puppy at least three weeks old by the time I found it in front of the house. And now that pup is a grown, obedient and clever dog with us, aloha means love, we live today because god's love is so great in our lives
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............................................................................. - Various Animals Around us there are many cute animals, especially when they are young. Kitten hobbles to walk. Chicks have silky smooth golden feathers, extremely cute calls. Small dogs run and play with people. Small animals are usually very active. They are curious about everything around them. Let's see the cutest moments of the little animals! Subscribe!
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Subscribe to see my life living in Bali with my Balinese husband and our dogs Coco & Bidjo. I post videos about everyday life in Bali, updates and information about Bali and information that is good to know when moving or traveling to Bali. I post videos every Sunday (and sometimes extra videos in the middle of the week) and to follow my every day life don´t forget to follow me on my instagram:
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Video ini berisi tentang tutorial dalam melatih anjing, walaupun adakalanya berisi tentang talkshow di televisi atau sejenisnya, tetapi tetap kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan edukasi khususnya untuk para "dog lovers", semoga video yang kami buat bisa menginspirasi banyak orang terutama di Indonesia.... Terima kasih kepada semuanya yang mendukung konten kami, dukungan sangat kami butuhkan untuk dapat terus memberikan yang terbaik untuk semuanya.... Mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan, karena saya juga manusia biasa yang jauh dari sempurna.... Dan yang terakhir jangan lupa untuk men-subscribe/berlangganan, agar tidak ketinggalan tutorial lainnya dari kami....
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A couple on the hunt for fulfilment. We quit our big time jobs in Dubai and set off on a new path to find the next country to call home. We decided to take the scenic route and build a community while we were at it. Our journey starts in Brazil and takes us around South America. After 10 months on the road, we finally landed in Bali, now the adventure of setting up a new life starts. Build a home, a business, get a dog, and everything n between. Come along with us. #bali #balivlogs #vlogs #baliindonesia #balivlog