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Welcome to "Vampire Girl AI Lookbook"! Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of vampire-inspired fashion, where artificial intelligence meets dark elegance. Our channel is dedicated to exploring the captivating fusion of gothic style and cutting-edge AI technology, bringing you unique and mesmerizing fashion content. What You'll Find Here: AI-Generated Outfits: Discover stunning vampire girl outfits designed by AI, featuring luxurious fabrics, intricate details, and timeless gothic aesthetics.
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Traveling & Lifestyle Sunt Vlada, aka Vlada Prada de pe TikTok cu peste 810K+ urmăritori. 🚀 🔥New: Proiectul Destinația Perfectă conține mai multe episoade din țările și orașele pe care împreună cu soțul meu Giorgio, (aka Iura) le-am vizitat și vrem să vi le arătăm. Poți dona aici dacă îți place și vrei să susții acest proiect: →
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Rise Of Artificial is a music project founded by Bogdan Popoiag (UNU') and Cezar Stanciulescu (Junkyard). The first song, "Ne place", was released on 10th November 2010 and, after only three months, it became the most airplay-ed track on Romanian HitStation Radios, a song that reached more than 4 million YouTube views in only 6 months. By the end of May 2011, the "Artificial" album was released, inclding, among all 19 tracks.You can find all the tracks on ROA's Official YouTube Channel.Along with the above mentioned release, the band extended with another member Cristin Negriuc. On 22nd November 2011, ROA released a new video for the Sonata in A Minor song, which would be included on the next album in 2013. The video was also directed by Bogdan Popoiag and it's parodies thousands of videos with women in swimsuits.In July 9 ROA released a new track "D-AIA" that was to become a very popular song in the summer of 2012. In 2013 ROA will release a new album, so ....stay tuned !!!
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Cand adultilor li se interzice dreptul de a-si exprima opiniile in legatura cu anumite postari de pe youtube, copiii si tinerii devin liberi sa se hraneasca cu toate minciunile si ideile promovate de autorii lor. Acestia blocheaza comentariile celor care ii contrazic sau devin inconfortabili pentru dansii, atitudine care dovedeste, lipsa lor de onestitate si fuga de responsabilitate atunci cand sunt provocati la dialog. Am creat aceasta adresa, cu dorinta de a identifica pe toti cei ce abuzeaza de timpul si bunavointa vizitatorilor, doar pentru a obtine rating pe seama confuziei pe care o provoaca. Suntem intr-un joc fara reguli, dar poate ca in timp, daca nu le mai facem jocul, se vor retrage pe margine.