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Hello, my name is Cristian Negoiţă and I invite you to watch this YouTube channel to be up to date with my activities as a small urban farmer. Who am I? I am a husband, dad, advertiser, leisure farmer, passionate about photography and travel, cook from time to time! What I do: Best Image Advertising - Marketing and advertising agency Facebook: Facebook page "The Urban Farmer":
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MediaPro Music is a Romanian record label, part of the Universal Music Group, that manages a portfolio of over 50 local artists. We gathered and successfully promote some of the most representative Romanian artists: Alexandra Stan, Matteo, Loredana, Holograf, Andra, Dan Balan, Alina Eremia, Stefan Banica, Lora, Vunk, AMI, Nicole Cherry, Dorian Popa and many more. MediaPro Music is a multimedia entertainment company which will supply the best audio and visual entertainment to the public. Our Mission is to discover and promote artists at their best potential and develop the entertainment market across the world through the production and promotion of high quality musical products. 16 General Dona, Sector 1, cod 010782, Bucuresti, Romania Tel: +40 31 82 56 063 Fax: +40 31 82 56 013 Licensing: +40 (318) 256 058 booking: [email protected]MediaPro Music is a Romanian record label, part of the Universal Music Group, that manages a portfolio of over 50 local artists. We gathered and successfully promote some of the most representative Romanian artists: Alexandra Stan, Matteo, Loredana, Holograf, Andra, Dan Balan, Alina Eremia, Stefan Banica, Lora, Vunk, AMI, Nicole Cherry, Dorian Popa and many more. MediaPro Music is a multimedia entertainment company which will supply the best audio and visual entertainment to the public. Our Mission is to discover and promote artists at their best potential and develop the entertainment market across the world through the production and promotion of high quality musical products. 16 General Dona, Sector 1, cod 010782, Bucuresti, Romania Tel: +40 31 82 56 063 Fax: +40 31 82 56 013 Licensing: +40 (318) 256 058 booking:
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Ma numesc Ionut Iustin si am inceput sa fac bani online in 2013. A inceput ca o joaca si a devenit o pasiune. Am trecut de la mini 'joburi' online la crearea de siteuri si bloguri la YouTube si am continuat sa explorez alte lucruri precum Jocurile Android , CPA , Affiliate Marketing , Dropshipping (si in general, e-commerce). Imi place sa citesc carti. Pana acum, cele mai interesante mi s-au parut biografiile. Aceasta a fost o scurta introducere , daca vreti sa aflati mai multe despre mine ma puteti intreba in sectiunea de comentarii.
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Te salut! Numele meu este Marian Esanu; sunt antrerenor & investitor. Te poti abona la canalul meu chiar acum pentru a primi mai multe materiale despre antrepreneoriat, educatie financiara, si cum sa-ti dezvolti afacerea ta mai repede. De asemenea, te invit pe site-urile de mai jos pentru a alege singur ce informatii pentru cresterea afacerilor ti se potrivesc cel mai mult: 🎓Curs Gratuit - Marketing Accelerator Lite: 🔔Subscribe - Iti multumesc !
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KAZIBO MUSIC is a fresh start in music business for people that have over 10 years of experience in entertainment. From music production to event management, booking, public relation and international licensing - we've done it all. We work or have worked in recent years with an impressive list of talented Romanian artists, covering almost all music genres, including: pop, dance, rock, house, hip hop, RnB, trance, popcorn. We are a versatile and creative team that is highly focused on development of innovative promotional strategies to drive visibility and popularity for our artists and collaborators. Using creative processes, we develop marketing plans including elements like special events, web sites, viral promotions, live entertainment exposure, media coverage, branded products and more. Our services range from: music production, artist development, artist booking, media marketing, tour management and international licensing, the complete package.