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I teach office workers to lose weight and get fit without getting frustrated about the lack of time to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am an IT engineer from Romania living a typical office life. Ok, maybe not so typical. I was fat from childhood until a few years ago. I tried tons of diets and wonder weight-loss products until I found my way towards being fit.
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Pe acest canal ve-ti gasi diverse retete culinare din toate colturile lumi de la cele mai simple pana la cele mai sofisticate retete pregatite in natura gatite cat mai natural si cu voie buna! On this channel you will find various culinary recipes from all over the world, from the simplest to the most sophisticated recipes prepared in nature, cooked as naturally and with good will!
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Bine ați venit pe canalul Hashimoto, mon amour! Datorez construcția acestui proiect unei abordări antropologice, cu concentrare pe stilul de viață, pe dependențele noastre, mai ales pe intenția de a îmbătrâni independent și pe picioarele noastre, dincolo de medicație și de ce prescrie doctorul, dar fără a le ignora, în final, pe exercițiul critic asupra propriei stări de sănătate. Plec de la experiențe trăite mizând pe propria istorie de remitere a bolii Hashimoto, posibil, o inspirație pentru persoanele cu aceeași condiție. Am construit acest canal pentru a găsi într-un singur loc mai multă informație relevantă despre Hashimoto și despre autoimunitate. Voi împărtași experiența mea despre cum am adus Hashimoto în remisie, ce schimbări concrete am testat mai întâi pe corpul meu și am introdus în traiul zilnic pentru a simți într-o bună zi că tiroida funcționează optim si să vă prezint noi cercetări și noi semnificații despre Hashimoto, și nu numai. Angela Stolnicu, antropolog
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Welcome to Pastry Workshop by Olguta. On this channel you will find recipes, tips, tricks and video tutorials on how to create desserts or garnishes and decorations for your favourite cakes, cupcakes, tarts or cake rolls. You will not only learn how to prepare these but also find out how fun pastry can be! For more recipes, visit my blog: Enjoy baking!
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Retete Hello! Welcome to my channel with vegan, fasting, diet recipes! My name is Otilia Dumitrescu and I made this channel to share with as many people as possible, a healthier eating style, in an attempt to make people aware of how much our health depends on the food we eat. I think that we women and in general people who cook are mostly responsible for the health of our families and those we cook for, that's why I try to cook as naturally and as healthy as possible, without ingredients of animal origin, without fried foods, without sugar white, without refined oil, with as few refined, processed ingredients as possible, trying to influence as many people as possible to choose a balanced and healthy diet. I am passionate about nutrition and healthy cooking and I am always looking to document myself from the most current sources of information in these fields, trying to transform traditional recipes into healthier options. #Vegan#fastingde post,vegane,dietetice