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Balkance is a channel created by musicians WEiRD GRRL and Kalina which strives to promote music from a variety of countries. Here you can find covers in Spanish, Macedonian, English and Romanian as well as original music by the two singers. Salutari Tuturor! Adica... Nu suntem romance dar apreciam tara voastra si ne place muzica voastra mai mult si d-aia am hotarat si facem coveruri romanesti. Suntem din Macedonia dar locuim in Chicago. Eu (Nevena) am avut o obsesie cu Romania incepand 2004. Sunt compozitoare si sper sa incep o cariera muzicala in Romania. Sora mea (Kalina) a invatat "o leaca" de romana in acest proces. In 3 simple cuvinte, Kalina e: frumoasa, talentata, si amuzanta. Sper sa va place tot ce avem pe contul nostru si sa stiti ca ne mandrim de Romania in acelasi mod in care ne mandim de Macedonia. V-am pupat, Nev si Kalina
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Dynamix has been making his mark in the DJ world over the last decade through competitions, tv & radio appearances, online content, brand partnerships, teaching and touring around the world. He is revered by both upcoming DJs & established legends for his blend of turntablism, party rocking, and technology. He has been crowned champion in both the 2020 HMC & Def Jam DJ Battle and Phase DJ Games, is a 3x Red Bull 3style SoCal champion and 5x RedBull 3style US Finalist as well as a world finalist for the 2020 Goldie Awards. He is also an instructor at the Beat Junkie Institute of Sound. TV appearances include VH1’s Master of the Mix and RevoltTV Live’s 1’s and Tuesday and VerzuzTV with Bone Thugs N Harmony & Three 6 Mafia. His mixes have been featured on Power 106, The World Famous Wake Up Show, 93.5 KDAY, KISS FM Chicago, and Pitbull’s Globalization & Shade 45 on XM radio, and boasts 17 Million listens and 3 of the top 5 most listened to mixes of 2020 on Fit Radio.
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Rats and Dogs is a horror/ war movie that will be out next year. It takes place in the near future, the USA has fell victim to a Soviet Invaion that has crippled the nation. A group of rouge US soldiers are trying to make their way through Iowa, the last state before they get to the American strong hold in Chicago.... Will they make it???
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Michael LaFido is a real estate consultant and top-producing Realtor with over twenty years of experience in the real estate industry and specializing in Luxury listings as an eXp Realty agent. Michael’s marketing has been the featured cover story in Crain’s Chicago Business and highlighted in Forbes, Chicago Tribune, Mansion Global, Wall Street Journal, and FOX News Chicago Business Hour to name a few. He is also the author of the books “Luxury Listing Specialist, “Outside The Box”, and “Marketing Luxury”.
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Saya seorang istri & ibu dari 3 anak, yang senang olahraga lari & workout. Saya senang berbagi tips apa yang saya jalani selama ini seperti tips workout untuk mencapai body goal, pola hidup sehat, & tentunya olahraga lari. Member of Asosiasi Pelatih Kebugaran Indonesia. Brand Ambassador : GARMIN Indonesia RSP Nutrition Indonesia Finisher 3 World Marathon Major : Berlin Marathon 2017 Chicago Marathon 2018 Newyork Marathon 2019 Instagram : @Sallytanudjaja Tik tok : @Sallytanudjaja
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Founded in 1874, The Chicago Bar Association is one of the oldest and largest municipal bar associations in the United States. Its members are lawyers, judges and law students who study or practice primarily in Cook County. The CBA’s mission is to provide service to the legal community and the public through programs and initiatives that strengthen the understanding of the rule of law and the work of the legal profession. Disclaimer: All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The opinions and positions stated on this YouTube channel are those of the participants and not by the fact of publication those of The Chicago Bar Association or its members. Publication of advertisements is not to be deemed an endorsement of any product or service advertised unless otherwise stated.