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The BEST channel for the WHOLE FAMILY! You are a child, teenager or adult ... it doesn't matter ... with us, you will be happy anyway ... My name is Jasmina, I am 10 years old and together with my family I create interesting, educational, informative and fun videos ... Vlogs, challenges, educational stories, diy-ri, games and many travel videos ... You can find all this on my channel ... If you like our videos, then DON'T FORGET: 1. Press the SUBSCRIBE button 2. Click on the bell (to be notified, then add a new video) 3. To support us with LIKE and SHARE for every video you liked ... Jasmina and my family hug you !!! For COLLABORATIONS or ADVERTISEMENT contact us by email
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Bine ati venit pe canalul nostru de Familie. Suntem Familia Ionescu sau asa cum ne cunoasteti voi mai bine, Familia Marei. Suntem o echipa de 5: Costel, Cristiana, Mara, Teodora si Briana. Ne place foarte mult sa petrecem timp impreuna si dorim sa impartasim cu voi experientele noastre de familie. Vloggingul ne aduce si mai mult impreuna si ne invata cum sa facem fata tuturor provocarilor. Suntem veseli, spontani, mereu cu camera in mana pentru a captura cele mai inedite momente. Alaturi de noi veti avea parte de situatii unice, aventuri minunate si momente de tandrete si gingasie.
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Welcome to Anabella's universe - where Anabella and her brother Bogdan Show play, learn, sing, explore and share their life experiences. Lots of kids and families from all over the world join Anabella every day to explore the world and learn about songs, numbers, nature, colors, shapes, animals, and the importance of eating healthy food, washing hands, being a good friend, and much more.
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🥇اهلا بكم في قناة فِكر تاني 🥇 قناة الطبيب د.كريم علي (ماجستير طب أسرة - دكتوراه في السموم والطب الشرعي): ✅ انا اؤمن ان التغيير الحقيقي والصحيح هو الذى يبدء من العقل وتغيير طريقة التفكيرو العادات. ✅ من هنا ظهرت فكرة القناة ,نحتاج لفِكر تاني وطريقة تفكير مختلفة لو نريد تغيير الحياة وان نعيش حياة مختلفة. . ✅ انا سحاول بكل مااستطيع ان اوصل المعلومات اللازمة لتغيير حياتك صحيا وعقليا بشكل بسيط وطرق تنفذ علي ارض الواقع . . . ✅ لا نحتاج اكترمن ان نفهم ونحاول معرفة اسباب اى مرض لايجاد الشفاء التام منه , ✅ اعلم ان الله لا يساعد احد الابعد ان تبذل قصارى جهدك .. فلن تتدخل ارادة السماء حتي تستنفذ اسباب النجاح في الارض.. سابدء وحيدا وساترك عشرات الملايين يعرفون مااعرف 🎗فِكرتانى🎗 د. كريم علي 2019
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Welcome to Bogdan's Show universe - where Bogdan and his sister Anabella play, learn, sing, explore and share their life experiences. Millions of kids and families from all over the world join Bogdan every day to explore the world and learn about songs, numbers, nature, colors, shapes, animals, and the importance of eating healthy food, washing hands, being a good friend, and much more.