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Welcome to my Eastern Orthodox apologetics channel. It is high time we make the Eastern Orthodox Faith known again in this time, the world being full of heresies and especially those parts where Roman "Catholicism" aka papism , and protestantism as a response, have taken over in the past so that people can see what genuine Christianity really is. I myself am an Ex-Old Earther, Ex-Evolutionist, Ex-Protestant, Ex-Professing Roman Catholic, Ex-Charismatic and NOW Eastern Orthodox Christian. I expose Atheism, Islam, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Evolution, Old Earth, Calvinism, Eternal Security and various other anti Christ issues and heresies. My videos as an Orthodox Christian at heart start from August 16th 2016 and later i get baptized of which there is also a video.
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José Porfirio Miranda de la Parra (Monterrey, 15 de septiembre de 1924 - 9 de octubre de 2001) Filósofo y Exégeta.miembro de la Compañía de Jesús hizo estudios de licenciatura y Maestría sobre Filosofía en Loyola University de los Ángeles California, EUA. En la década de los 50 se ordena como sacerdote en la Loyola y realiza estudios de licenciatura sobre teología en la Universidad de Frankfurt, y de economía en la Universidad de Münster, Alemania.En 1967,es enviado al Pontificio Instituto Bíblico de Roma donde realizaría el doctorado en Ciencias Bíblicas y elaboraría su tesis Marx y la Biblia. Concluye su investigación bíblica en 1981 con su libro Comunismo en la Biblia. De su producción filosófica, ya como maestro fundador de la UAM, destacan tres libros reeditados en España, que a juicio del mismo autor son los más importantes: Apelo a la Razón (1983), Hegel Tenía Razón (1989) y Racionalidad y Democracia (1996).
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Founded in 1947 as a Catholic aid organisation for war refugees and recognised as a Pontifical Foundation since 2011, Aid to the Church in Need is dedicated to the service of Christians around the world, through information, prayer and action, wherever they are persecuted or oppressed or suffering material need. ACN supports every year an average of 6.000 projects in close to 150 countries, thanks to private donations, as the foundation receives no public funding.
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😍 Únete a nuestra Familia Cristiana. ¡Suscríbete Gratis Hoy! En este canal vas a encontrar oraciones cristianas en Español para rezar cada día. Oraciones a Dios Padre, a la Virgen Maria, a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y a todos los santos católicos. Esperamos que las disfrutes Mucho. Y si es así que te suscribas al canal... Muchas Gracias!
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| The acceptance of the Word of God and the conversion of Mary Magdalene stands for conversion and turning to God. | | Have fun watching, contemplating, praying and of course sharing the posts! 🙏 | Please subscribe to our channel and leave a thumbs up! 🙏 Channel content: Pastor Werner Fimm | Impulses | Sermons | retreat I came to cast fire on the earth and how I wish it would burn! (LK 12:49) Pastor Fimm lives from providence, you are welcome to donate something to the following account: Our donation account, please state "Donation Pastor Fimm" in the subject line so that it can be assigned. IBAN DE93 6305 0000 0021 0136 36 BIC SOLADES1ULM Bank: Sparkasse Ulm
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Welcome to my channel where I spread positive energy through music, a little bit of humour and a whole lot of me.😃💚🇿🇼🐎🔥 A little about me, I am passionate about music, performing on stage, training people to sing and play instruments and ministering the word of God through music. My skills include singing, playing mbira (similar to kalimba), piano, conducting choirs, and making music. I am a proud holder of several honours awards and first grades for...well if you're still reading, do follow me to find out more and stay up to date with my activities! (Find me on the links below.) Genres include: 👉🏾 Hymns (choral music) 👉🏾 Mbira Traditional 👉🏾 Mbira Contemporary 👉🏾 Classical 👉🏾 R'n'b and more!