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There is nothing I can control other than my body and mind. Sounds Body, Sounds Mind! How can you effectively have a healthy body and mind? From low-intensity exercise to high-intensity exercise From stamina recovery to strengthening, efficient homtraining! Let's create a healthy exercise habit with a wise body! Let's Move!
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안녕하세요. 한의사 장유진입니다. 한의사의 건강한 식탁에 오신 것을 환영해요:) 한해 한해 시간이 흐를수록 건강하고 행복한 삶에 대한 관심이 커지고 내 몸에 귀를 기울이게 되었어요. 자연스럽게 바르고 건강한 먹거리에 관심을 가지게 되었구요. 건강하고 균형잡힌 식단으로 내 몸이 긍정적으로 변화되고 좋아하는 것을 느끼게 되었고, 요리하는 순간이 즐겁고 힐링이 되었답니다. 건강한 아름다움을 위해 제가 추구하는 레시피, 라이프 스타일을 여러분과 공유하고 싶어요. 저의 영상을 통해 여러분들의 삶이 건강과 행복으로 가득 채워지길 바랄께요:) 감사합니다. Hi everyone, I’m Dr. Eugene Chang. Welcome to my channel, Doctor’s Healthy Table :) Year by year, I become more and more interested in living a healthier and happier life and I naturally started to listen to my body which spontaneously led me to be interested in healthy foods and healthy eating. I could realize that having healthy and well balanced meals brings positive changes to my body and my body welcomes it. Cooking was a way of enjoyment and healing for me. I want to share with you the recipes and lifestyles that I pursue for healthful beauty. I hope my videos on this channel can help you jump start a healthier and happier change in your life :) Thank you.
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May your morning be full of peace The daily life of people living in modern times is so busy that it makes the body and mind tired. It seems that it is not easy to concentrate, to rest, or to sleep comfortably because I am too tired. If you can heal your tired body and mind every day, you will have a peaceful morning every day. In the hope that everyone's morning will be peaceful in body and mind, we named the channel Peaceful Morning. The channel introduces various sounds of nature along with videos that help you relax, concentrate, or immerse yourself. I want to share the joy of immersion with comfortable videos. peace! 🎯 FAQ 🎬 Are the music, audio and video of a channel reusable? Reuse is not allowed. Sources purchased with a paid license can be problematic for copyright violations when used without permission. 🎬 Do you record all the video and audio such as rain sounds yourself? yes. Except for the music I purchased for a fee, I filmed and recorded everything myself.