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Hello ~! it_mom. There are a lot of tech reviewers on YouTube, but I do not think there is a professional housewife tech reviewer. A female reviewer who loves genuine new technology and understands hardware is still rare. I want to do a professional review that understands the direct performance and usage of the new technology, not the pretty, handy accessories. Yes! Mechanical! Come on! I'm going to shoot female tech reviewers. The specialization is about computers, smart phones, cameras, and sound equipment. I am more interested in Haitian products than I am a housewife, but I am aware of it. We will focus on hardware performance. Personally, it sometimes appears in the video, but it is the mother of two children, and both major and hobby are artistic, and I love new technology. Uploads are targeted one or two times a week, It will usually be Tuesday and Friday. I am very busy with children. Interest and love grow good reviewers. subscribe! good! Please do!
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Evgenii Permiakov is an educator, cinematographer, gamer, educational technology specialist, and father. He works as an Educational Technology Coach at the Korea International School in Seoul. Treading a path of innovation and creativity, Evgenii is an educational influencer whose true passion is to explore, inspire, and share. Evgenii produces digital content around educational technology, innovation, Minecraft Education, and cinematic storytelling.
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카이스트에서 Computational chemistry 를 전공하고 현재 Kakaobrain 에서 AI신약개발 업무를 맡고 있습니다. DS, DL, ML 을 공부하기에 캐글이 최고입니다. 캐글 대회 팁을 마음껏 나눠보려고 합니다. I majored in Computational chemistry at KAIST. Currently, I'm in charge of data science at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. Kaggle is the best for studying DS, DL, ML. I would like to share the tips of the Kaggle Tour in my channel.
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Post up-to-date IT reviews and product reviews. I am interested in IT products and various products such as laptops, computers, smartphones, and interior design. Use it yourself and upload the most realistic review video. I'm running a blog, so I'm posting a written review. I'm running a YouTube channel to introduce my lack of writing. I've been making a lot of effort to post the most honest and accurate reviews. The reason why I bought many tester machines is to deliver more objective and accurate information. The CD-Men YouTube channel is known for its reliability. I will try to deliver better information.