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"Always Healthy, Always Tasty" 라이프 스타일 코디네이터로 활동하고 있는 촵촵베지의 유튜브 채널. 촵촵베지는 화학적 양념을 피하고 기름도 가급적 최소화하면서 음식의 영양과 맛을 살리는 자연식물성 식단을 연구합니다. #촵촵베지 #자연식물식 #자연건강요리 #비건이유식 #당뇨레시피 #아토피프리 #비염프리 #회복식 #치유식 #힐링푸드 #항암식단 맛있고 유쾌한 촵촵베지 레시피 많이 사랑해주시고 건강하세요! Welcome to Chop Chop Veggie Channel ! On Chop Chop Veggie I share tasty and healthy vegan recipes, to make healthy eating attractive and hilarious and to help inspire a healthy lifestyle. I started this channel to help anyone looking to start or restart on their road to health and happiness through a whole food plant based diet. I hope you can experience many wonderful Korean vegan cuisine. Enjoy !!
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We're two skinthusiastic self-care seekers that live and breathe Kbeauty. We work professionally in the Kbeauty industry, and are curators of the cruelty-free Kbeauty editorial shop, Be Mused Korea. Based in Seoul, Korea, we’re always keeping up with the newest trends and next-level skincare releases. Subscribe for skincare tips, kbeauty reveiws, latest Kbeauty discoveries, insider info on the best Korean skincare products, no-frills honest K-beauty reviews, and more! Here's to better skincare, better self-care, and a better you! / Lisa & Christine @kbeautymuse *this channel used to be "Beauty Bemused" prior to 2022 and "Channelesque" prior to 2014, and previously ran by Lisa aka @beautybemused on Instagram
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Welcome to the SweetPeaPot! Jung-ah Seo took her hobbies to write, take pictures, and make healthy dishes, and built her health cookbooks, cooking blogs, and health recipe journals in newspapers and magazines. Born in Korea and living her life in the United States, Jung-ah Seo’s desire for healthy cooking became the cornerstone for her writings about various foods and its visual beauty. Whether you are currently practicing or starting to wonder about plant-based diet, I am here to tell you that a healthy diet can change people's lives. I hope you and your loved ones’ lives will be healthier and happier through a simple and easy additive-free diet❤️
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의학박사 임기동의 의학채널입니다. 수십년 간 치료해온 수많은 환자 케이스들을 바탕으로 암, 만성 신부전증 및 각종 만성 질환에 대한 근본적이고 효과적인 예방법과 회복법을 연구하고 공유하고자 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 투석 중인 만성신부전증 환자도 회복될 수 있습니다! *건강상담 문의: 051-600-7537 부산삼육병원 *개인 email 주소: Welcome to Dr. Im's wellness channel. Analyzing the root cause of your disease and adjusting your lifestyle based thereon is the key to treat the disease. You too can get well!