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E ai rapaziada beleza? Meu nome é Kaique Barros tenho 22 anos, sou praticante de Calistenia, quando comecei a treinar quase não encontrei informações aqui no Brasil, a maioria das informações que tive, busquei la fora, pensando nisso resolvi criar esse canal pra ajudar quem curte o esporte mas também sofre com a falta de informação no Brasil, minha intenção é ajudar os iniciantes, e trocar experiencias com quem for mais avançado pra popularizar o esporte em nosso pais. A Calistenia, ou Street Workout, é um tipo de treino que você usa basicamente o peso do seu corpo, tem como vantagens que é um esporte que pode ser praticado em qualquer lugar, basta criatividade para realizar os exercícios, aqui eu pretendo ajudar vocês nisso, dando dicas de como improvisar treinos, para aqueles que estão sem grana, a Calistenia, também é uma boa opção pois você nao precisa ir até uma academia para treinar. Conto com vocês, valeu é nóis e tamo junto
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Connecting Tennis: my passion, dedication and dream. Online coaching opened me doors to thousands of new players that share the unmeasurable passion I have for this sport. They want to get better, I want to help them achieve their goals. With real coaching, real situations, real tennis!
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Eu sou Edu Araujo criador e apresentador do canal GoalFut, canal de esportes com muita diversão e informação para quem ama FUTEBOL. Tudo sobre Futebol, e os principais atletas do Mundo como Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar. Principais Clubes do Mundo e muito mais. TODA HONRA E GLÓRIA SEJA DADA À DEUS !!! GoalFut sports channel with lots of fun and information for those who love Footbal. All about Football, and leading athletes of the World like Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar and others. Top Clubs of the World and more. GoalFut canal de deportes con mucha diversión e información para quem ama FÚTBOL. Tudo sobre Fútbol, e importantes atletas del mundo como Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar. Principales Clubes del Mundo ...
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We are a professional school for the training of soccer athletes that aims to supply the demanding and competitive national and international sport segment. We seek not only the technical development of the athlete, but also his psychological and behavioral improvement, so that his success is not just within the field. The Nucleus of Football Crystals (NFC) was born with the proposal of playing a fundamental role as a catalyst for new talents in football, based on the social bias and training, through a professional structure, children and young people affected by social inequality, returning they have the right to dream.
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Welcome to the official Agonista channel on YouTube. Deivyson Nas initiated this space in 2019 to share his journey in the realms of bodybuilding and performance. Over time, this trajectory has evolved, incorporating the fusion of different sports, such as bodybuilding and long-distance running. In his relentless pursuit of performance, Deivyson demonstrates that even for natural athletes, it is possible to blend high-performance sports, intense gym workouts, and still achieve significant results. He does so by exploring a hybrid approach, which he experiences daily, challenging not only the limits of the body but also those of the mind. Deivyson has a mission: to equip everyone with the tools and resources needed to go beyond their limits. In doing so, he documents his day-to-day life, shares insights, advice, and experiences aimed at inspiring you to surpass your limits in all aspects of life.
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With the rise in popularity of mixed martial arts, the sport of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, also known as submission grappling, is exploding with interest. Fighters from various disciplines step onto mats and into rings around the world to engage in the purest form of fighting ever known. This channel focuses on grappling tournaments and instructional videos to further advance our beloved sport. Featured on this channel, you will find world champion Jiu-Jitsu athletes, celebrities, professional mma fighters and other surprises... Please subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date on our most recent videos - covering all things related to grappling, including seminars, instructionals, rules, and amateur and professional bouts... and much more!