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Welcome to JaruJaru’s official English Youtube Channel! We will be uploading sketches by Japanese comedy duo JaruJaru with English subtitles so an audience outside of Japan can enjoy our work! Watch and enjoy JaruJaru’s sketches! Please subscribe and leave comments to let us know what you think! The content and subtitles of this comedy is not intended to offend viewers. We sincerely hope to deliver to you quality and enjoyable Japanese entertainment.
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My name is sushi ninja!!!! sushi ninja / すし忍者 の公式YouTubeチャンネルです! チャンネル登録して、通知ボタンをオンにすることを忘れないでください! sushininja official YouTube channel! Please subscribe to my channel and don't forget to turn on the notification button! お仕事関係のご連絡等はメールもしくはInstagramのアカウントへDM頂ければ幸いです。 For work-related inquiries,please DM to the above Instagram account. 💌👉 🟣TikTok↓↓↓↓ sushininja1gou 🔴Instagram↓↓↓↓↓ sushininja1gou
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Hi there! This is Peach and Steven. We are here only YouTube channel mainly. We are talking about Japanese culture and sharing Japanese vlog:) Hope you enjoy it! Our concept of this channel We are recording in Matsuyama city which is located in Shikoku island. Let me introduce ourselves Steven is the guest house owner which is near Dogo Onsen, one of the oldest hot spring in Japan. I used to live in the US for 5 years, so I have some idea of American culture. Peach Peach was born in Canada to a few Asian countries. Her mother is Japanese, so she grew up Japanese community. Thus, although she understands the Asian culture, her knowledge is based on western culture. We will show some hilarious videos such as reaction videos, strange things in Japan. Moreover, Peach grew up in bilingual environments and is able to switch between languages, so we will be doing double reactions in Japanese and English.