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Zain Saraswati Jamal is an internationally renowned Yogini, Fire Ceremony Keeper, Mind/Body & Spirit Wellness Coach, Published Writer, Wholefood Alchemist and Cultivator of Kundalini Fusion Flow, a powerful culmination of Kundalini Kriya interwoven with classical Vinyasa, dance and deeply grounding Hatha asana that serves to balance and awaken the chakras and shift energy into higher vibrational realms. For more information, please visit:
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We compose instrumental music that is specially designed to encourage and enhance relaxation, meditation, brain function and concentration, spa and massage therapy, and healing music therapy. In addition, we use binaural beats (Delta Waves, Alpha Waves and Theta Waves) to naturally encourage a state of relaxation which is perfect for concentration, meditation or deep sleep. Our long music playlists are perfect for your daily meditation and relaxation. Our music videos use light, beautiful, calming sounds (some with nature sounds) that leave you feeling refreshed. Deep Sleep Music: Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Delta Waves -YellowBrickCinema is the leader in Sleep Music, Relaxing Music, Study Music, Meditation Music (including Tibetan Music and Shamanic Music), Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, Spa and Massage Music, and Yoga Music. Please like our videos and do subscribe, Thank you! Also plz like our facebook page:
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Un espacio único donde encontraras de forma gratuita las mejores sesiones de Yoga Nidra, meditación, Yoga y muchas más herramientas para simplemente sentirte mejor. Soy Mawe Hernández Lic. en Danza Contemporánea, por muchos años me dediqué profesionalmente a la danza hasta que una fuerte lesión me impidió realizar eso que tanto amaba... “bailar” Mi cuerpo me seguía pidiendo movimiento, el cual ya no podía darle de la misma forma, entonces apareció el YOGA, me rehabilitó, me hizo más fuerte, me cautivó, me reinvento y me dio eso que ni yo sabia que necesitaba. En mi camino dentro del Yoga descubrí los Cuencos Tibetanos, que me han ayudado en muchos aspectos y quiero que más gente se beneficie con ellos y disfruten de la salud y paz mental y física que me han dado. He tomado talleres, certificaciones y cursos con grandes maestros a nivel nacional e internacional y quiero compartir todo lo que he aprendido contigo. Ya sea por este medio o en persona. ¡Gracias por estar aquí!
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Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga (GSSY) is a Practical Method of 'Living a Worthy Life', full of inner peace and Aananda(Everlasting Joy). GSSY is a method of Meditation and Yoga, offered free of charge by Guru Siyag(Gurudev Shri Ramlal ji Siyag), Enlightened Guru from India. GSSY aims at complete and all round Development of Human Being, leading to 'Next Evolutionary Change or Development' in Human Body', we may call it -'Divine Transformation of Mankind' or towards attaining a 'Divine Bodily Form'. It's a process of Spiritual Evolution and Holistic Healing. Benefits include getting rid of all types of Addictions and frees the body from Physical, Mental and Spiritual Diseases. Based on Kundalini awakening by Guru Siyag through Shaktipat Mantra Deeksha(Initiation by Sacred Word). Get it free of charge by means of Video Clips of 'Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga Online Initiation By Divine Mantra', available on internet, Youtube, etc.,
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Andrew Holecek is an author and spiritual teacher who offers talks, online courses, and workshops. As a long-time student of Buddhism, he presents this tradition from a contemporary perspective – blending the ancient wisdom of the East with modern knowledge from the West. Drawing on years of intensive study and practice, he teaches on the opportunities that exist in obstacles, helping people with hardship and pain, death and dying, and problems in meditation. He is the author of several books, including “The Power and the Pain: Transforming Spiritual Hardship into Joy,” “Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom From the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition,” "Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep", "Dreams of Light: The Profound Daytime Practice of Lucid Dreaming","The Lucid Dreaming Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Your Dream Life" and “Meditation in the IGeneration: How to Meditate in a World of Speed and Stress.”.
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SOAS Centre of Yoga Studies is globally recognised as the most important institutional hub for the fast-growing field of Yoga Studies. The Centre offers a busy programme of activities including a very popular online lecture series, seminars, book launches, and summer schools. Our main aim is to be the catalyst for learning, research, and global outreach on Yoga Studies by hosting conversations between distinguished scholars, practitioners, and life-long learners, who are fascinated by its history, practice and philosophy. SOAS is home to the international admired MA in Traditions of Yoga and Meditation. This postgraduate degree explores the origins and historical development of yoga and meditation in India and Tibet from ancient times to the modern world. At SOAS YogaStudies Online, we offer a wide range of topic-based courses and professional development opportunities that allow students to experience the wealth of knowledge on offer at SOAS in new and accessible ways.
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Good health to you! My name is Sergiy. I help relieve pain in the body through exercise, stretching, yoga, massage, manual therapy, stretching, breathing exercises, balanced eating, as well as mental adjustment and spiritual practices. (с упражнениями): lysenko_health Instagram (личный): lysenko_serega facebook: Wechat: seralisenko1990 WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber: 380679459818