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Dentaid is a revolutionary research enterprise, committed to improving Oral Health around the globe. This conviction has been key to our becoming a world-wide reference in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the oral and dental conditions that concern people.
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Tu canal de Fitness, recetas saludables, compra saludable, unboxings, entrenamientos en casa y entretenimiento donde ademas de retos de comida veras consejos para perder grasa, ganar masa muscular y mejorar tu físico! Contacto Empresas:
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► My goal: 🤩 I want to help as many people as possible to change their lives. Help them learn to eat and train so that they get the best results and live a healthy life. ► My content: 🤓 In this channel you will find fitness recipes directly from my anabolic kitchen (high protein low calorie recipes), nutritional tips (how to eat, what foods to choose, how to be on a diet without starving), women's fitness videos, training videos (tips, best exercises for muscle gain, exercises propper form) as well as occasional videos of fun challenges or my day to day. ► My way of being: 😜 I don't go around with scientific papers and I say things as they are, always saying what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. I tell the truths instead the myths that run on the internet and I always speak in a simple and understandable way. I hope that you learn infinitely with me! 😊
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Yoga, Salud, Rehabilitación Articular, Acupuntura, Shiatsu, Quiromasaje, Fitoterapia, Naturopatía, Biodescodificación de las enfermedades, Drenaje Linfático, Biomagnetismo, Reflexología Podal, Alimentación Saludable, Ley de Atracción, Física Cuántica, Tratamiento de la enfermedad desde el auto-control y cambio de las Emociones, Técnicas Deportivas, Estiramientos de todas las Cadenas Musculares, Adelgazar solucionando Traumas, Técnicas naturales contra la Obesidad, Fabricación de Aceites Naturales Esenciales, Fabricación de Medicamentos con Plantas Medicinales, Medicina de doctor Hamer, Ejercicio Cardiovascular, Técnicas de Relajación Guiada, Fortalecimiento Muscular del Cuerpo, Gimnasia Facial contra el Envejecimiento, Fabricación de Plata Coloidal, Remedios Caseros que sanan, Recuperar la Salud mediante Vitaminas y Minerales, Cocina Saludable, Las Leyes de la Abundancia y el Éxito, Métodos Mentales para Atraer Dinero, Sanación desde el Subconsciente, Activar el poder Mental, etc...
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Hi guys, it's Marian Gorban here - welcome to my YouTube Channel MrHeathyChannel is a channel that provides information about healthy and natural ways to improve your health. Also, it is a Channel where you'll find out solutions to different health problems you may have. Main Guidelines of this channel are: 1) To present only 100% Natural solutions to health problems. 2) These Solutions must be affordable for everybody. 3) We hate expensive solutions. 4) We have the policy to substitute drugs and other chemicals with natural and inoffensive health solutions, like plant infusions, exercises, natural syrups. Videos of this channel will focus mostly on these topics: - Strong Immune System - Weight Loss - How to get fit - How to cure your eyesight naturally - How to cure and maintain a strong and flexible back. - How to treat your High Blood Pressure If you like my channel don't forget to subscribe...
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📚 The School of Integrative Health (ESI) is constituted with the main objective of providing the best professional training in the fields of health and integrative medicine. Promoted by the Vivo Sano Foundation, within the initiatives to promote integrative medicine, it shares the vision of contributing to more people living happier, longer, in better health, in healthy places and in ethical and efficient organizations. Under the slogan LEARNING TO HELP, the ESI develops its activity ensuring the quality of training and its professional application, hand in hand with the best specialists in each of the training areas.
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Dr. Lobsang, Desde 1990 viaja regularmente a diferentes países de Europa, América del Sur y Estados Unidos dando enseñanzas de forma regular sobre diferentes temas relacionados con la medicina tibetana. En los últimos 27 años en occidente ha adquirido mucha experiencia con las culturas, mentalidades, formas de vida y problemas físicos y psicológicos occidentales. También ha participado en muchos congresos nacionales e internacionales en diferentes países. Esta Medicina se mantiene tan intensamente como desde el primer día. ¡Tashi Delek!