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Welcome to the "Run&Fly Aviation Enthusiast," where passion takes flight! As a dedicated aviation journalist, I bring you the latest updates, thrilling insights, and in-depth coverage of everything aviation-related. Join me in exploring the skies and uncovering the fascinating world of aviation on the Run&Fly channel!
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Starting running or looking for tips for running? Simply want to be more fit, healthy, and happy, and looking for tips on healthy lifestyle? You are at the right place. Here, you will find practical, experience&science based tips and insights on healthy lifestyle based on running. All the tips and insights are from my 9+ years of running, experience in living and training in Iten, Kenya for +5 months, and from other experts. I hope videos here will inspire you to look at running differently, and run with joy and happiness. Running can be incredibly powerful skill that helps us to relieve stress, get/stay fit, and simply, become healthier and happier. Thank you for being here. Sung Mindful Running School* lululemon Ambassador *I founded Mindful Running School in South Korea, which has helped more than 2,000 people to start running with joy and use it as a lifelong skill for their health and happiness. I currently live in SF.