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Appeal to the world 我们向世界来说 مناشدة للعالم Un llamado al mundo संसार को संबोधन। פניה לעולם Дөньяга мөрәҗәгать 世界へのメッセージ Apelo ao mundo Appel au monde Обращение к миру Aufruf an die Welt Appello al mondo An appeal to the world Appeal to the world in 13 world’s major languages to save the disappearing languages in virtual reality and artificial intelligence Дөньяныӊ бетеп баручы телләрен санлы чынбарлыкта һәм ясалма акылда саклап калдыру өчен Җир шарыныӊ 13 төп телендә мөрәҗәгать итү. Туган тел. Татар теле
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Maxim Zhestkov is an artist who examines the connections of physical and digital realities. Divided by a permeable membrane, these two worlds exist in a constant exchange and redefine one another. Zhestkov acts on their intersection: manifesting the continuity of exploration, he imagines new worlds and expands the understanding of the phenomena present in our universe. Merging architecture, sculpture, color, movement, and sound, the artist combines various channels of perception to develop a distinct universal language to depict complicated concepts and ideas in a succinct yet not scaled down manner. Experience and observation as well as a diverse and digitally sophisticated toolkit give an endless supply to this artistic research. Combining basic geometrical shapes — dots, spheres, and planes — Zhestkov creates intricate and hypnotic visual stories centralized on objects in their volume, detail, and beauty of movement.
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I help people live in the present instead of being stuck in the past and worrying too much about the future; to feel freedom and responsibility instead of dependence; decisiveness instead of procrastination; develop the ability to talk about their feelings and desires, as well as to hear others in this; build healthy boundaries and relationships with people; develop awareness and emotional intelligence; feel in control of your life and success.