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Cartoonist. Illustrator. Podcaster. Publisher. Content Creator. I wear a lot of hats. Most recently that hat has come with a Minecraft pickaxe. On this channel you will find mostly Minecraft let's play content pulled from my live streams. There is also a sprinkle of illustration and art related videos. If you would like to support my creative work and join the community on Discord, you can do so on Recognize my voice? Probably because I host and produce three podcasts with various friends. The Spawn Chunks, a podcast all about Minecraft, The Citadel Cafe where I chat about geeky entertainment with friends, and Comics Coast to Coast, an artist interview round table, are all linked below. I draw and design things for a living. I am always open to talk about a new project. If you'd like to hire me, my website is linked below and has a sample of my portfolio and contact information. Cheers!
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Welcome to Coffee to Art ! I'm a coffee enthusiast & I'm here to share my tips and knowledges with you. I really do love making coffee for people and myself. My coffee channel covers Latte art, tricks and tips to improve your Barista game, cinematic coffee videos and more. I've been a Barista for years now and strongly love sharing my passion with people I train and work with. The coffee sphere isn't a easy path, it takes a lot of time, research and obviously, some energy. BUT, it's a lot of FUN !! If your goal is to learn something new about coffee, well, my goal is to upload once or twice a week to make your journey easier. Subscribe now, join the Coffee to Art adventure. 🙏
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My name is Jordan, and teaching people about coffee is what I love to do! The coffee concepts and ideas that I explore on this channel are often those that I searched for early in my coffee journey to no avail. I hope to fill some of these gaps and create easy-to-understand, accessible information for those that come after me. So no matter your interests, if you want to learn about brewing coffee, making espresso, or running a coffee shop, subscribe now! There is something for everyone! This channel has helped local baristas and at-home coffee enthusiasts alike, so don't be shy. If you don't see what you are looking for, come by and drop a comment to let me know what topics are important to YOU. Subscribe now and support the greater coffee community! Want to support me more directly? Please visit:
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Hey friend! As a coffee nerd, creator, business owner and "coffee professional" I created this channel as someone with a deep passion for helping you create better coffee at home. As this channel has grown so has my portfolio and expertise in the industry. I hope to share information and education as both a home coffee geek but also as a coffee pro. I'm incredibly grateful to be here, please join along for the ride!
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Namasté & Coco Latté, c'est le fruit d'années de combat contre la maladie de Hashimoto et l'intestin irritable. Une guerre sans merci, jusqu'à ce que je comprenne que la maladie était en soi un grand professeur, une bénédiction maladroitement déguisée. Naturopathe, journaliste, professeure de yoga & de Pilates et étudiante en ostéopathie, je souhaite partager toutes mes découvertes et tout ce qui m'a aidée dans ce cheminement wellness, dans l'espoir que ça vous réconcilie avec votre corps. Au programme: recettes saines mais savoureuses, trucs santé et routines de yoga et de Pilates. Namasté, c'est la déesse en moi qui reconnaît la déesse en vous. Et pour les jours où la vie va vite, il y aura toujours le réconfort d'un bon coco latté. MF xo
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Welcome to Golden VinylSpin Café. On this channel we will be sharing different record related products and reviews, road trips to different record stores, recent vinyl pickups, sharing different custom turntable builds, and most of all sharing tips on record related things for those just getting into the hobby. If you would like to send us anything for a future unboxing or review video our mailing address is: GVS Cafe PO Box 342 Aylesford, NS B0P 1C0 Canada or Thanks for checking out the channel and I hope you enjoy Mark Pelton Golden VinylSpin Café