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"Stop Stroke Academy" is a social project of Professor Evgeny Shirokov, the purpose of which is to create a modern information resource on the problems of cardiovascular diseases, prevention and treatment of stroke for doctors, patients, their relatives and anyone interested in maintaining their health. The main sections of the channel are: "Basic course of vascular neurology" for neurologists, cardiologists and therapists, section "Educational program" for popularization of medical knowledge, "Analysis of publications". Professor Shirokov Evgeny Alekseevich devoted more than 40 years to studying the problems of diseases of the cardiovascular system, a well-deserved Doctor of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the European Academy of Natural Sciences, MD, author of 15 monographs and 200 scientific articles, one of the founders of cardioneurology.
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Hello! This is a channel with recipes for the health of a person living in an unhealthy 🌍 world and methods of maintaining it at any 🧙♂️ age with the help of alternative medicine. The result of recovery is achieved by unusual but proper nutrition, hard work and active rest. Every tip, recipe or technique has been personally tested by the author of the channel. 💥All information and practical advice regarding your health and treatment of diseases are offered for informational purposes only. Before using or using materials for personal purposes, you should consult your doctor!
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Born and raised in Haiti! My channel is all about health, fitness. As a black woman I am hoping to inspired all women especially black women to take care of themselves. Working out, and eating healthy as help me be a better mother of three daughters. I want to take you on my journey and get fit together. My channel is to inspire men and women of all ages of a better life and fitness.
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welcom to acne tv channel , We understand that you are very busy at work or at school and your business Family care . This channel was built to entertain you with acne treatment at home .acne treatment for black skin blackheads whiteheads ,treatment deratologist ,acne treatment diy ,acne scars ,acne scar treatment ,acne scars removal ,how to re move black heads ,pimples popping ,cystic acne ,milia , skin care , cyst removal , acne treatment , acne Extraction ,Dermatology,pimple removal,dermatologist ,acne severe ,zit popping ,how to get ridof acne ,how toget rid of blackheads and whiteheads , how to removeacne , blackheads on face ,how to pop a pimple, clear black heads onnose ,white heads ,beauty , acne extraction , Moreover, this channel aims to maintain health beauty knowleges . Please share, like, comment and subscribe to get daily update.
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#blackheads2021newest #satisfaying #pimple #squeezeout #acne #blackheads #loannguyen #loannguyenspa #sacdepspa #whiteheads #treatments #pimple #SacDepSpa #hanaspa #acne-treatment #acne-removal #blackheadremoval #acnetreatments #좌창 #여드름치료 #블랙헤드제거 Thank you for watching the video!
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Dr. Nikita welcomes you to the channel! As a child, I was diagnosed with obesity and at the age of 14 doctors lowered my cholesterol with pills. I've tried everything the weight loss industry has to offer, from amateur sports to the toughest diets. I even received a higher medical education. This direction allowed to learn a lot, but it turned out to be little. I got involved in scientific research and began to test everything on myself. It took about 10 years to understand: weight loss techniques do not give long-term results. This fact taught me to think differently. As a result, I managed to lose more than 30 kg of excess weight and maintain the progress made. But exhaustion of weight loss process does not spare health. For 10+ years being delusional about weight loss I have lost not only weight, but also the most part of health. Therefore, my journey continues as a patient restoring his health and as a doctor treating patients who have fallen into a similar history.
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Hello, I welcome you on my channel Secrets of Beauty and Health - BeautyHacks. In my videos, I share the secrets of beauty and skin care. I tell about fashionable purchases and cosmetic novelties. Let's talk and share useful information! Be sure to subscribe to my channel, so as not to miss the new videos that are Go out every week. Beauty and youth are in your hands! Be beautiful, love yourself !!! Beauty, makeup, style, skin care, cosmetics, perfumes, fashion, manicure, anti-aging care, shopping, clothing, outfits, cosmetic novelties, hair care, hairstyles, hair styling, lifhaki for girls, lifhaki, beauty secrets, Beauty beauties How to look stylish and fashionable Review of novelties and fashion trends Caring for yourself and your body Video make-up lessons how to lose weight How to eat properly, healthy eating Download fitness lessons How to be feminine Psychology of relations How to perfect yourself Beauty, makeup, style, skin care, cosmetics,
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Welcome, dear ladies! My name is Marina Zimina. I am the author of the blog "How to preserve youth and beauty", consultant-cosmetologist, makeup artist, expert on anti-aging make-up and beauty coach. Here you'll learn: • how to rejuvenate your face at home • learn proper care for your skin and for the skin around the eyes after 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, • learn how to get rid of wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes, • get step-by-step lessons on anti-aging make-up and • be able to afford to do makeup to look younger * get helpful tips on the subject of style and age that will help you to create your closet * learn how to dress to look younger. My useful and valuable advice to help women be beautiful and well-groomed at any age and look younger than your age for 7-10 years! Subscribe to the channel and receive the best practical tips to maintain skin youth and beauty!